
Chia sẻ bởi nguyễn trung hiếu | Ngày 14/10/2018 | 41

Chia sẻ tài liệu: GiaoanEnghlish8 thuộc Tin học 8

Nội dung tài liệu:

Date of writing:9/11
Date of teaching:12/11
Lesson 30
Unit 5: Study habit
(language focus 1 -2)
I/ objectives:
- By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to use adverbs of manner and modal should as an advice
II/ Language content:
- Giving advice
- Adverbs of manner
III/ Teaching aids:
- Text book, ten cards
IV/ Teaching method:
- Pair work, group work, individual work
VI/ Proceduces

T`s activities
Ss` activities

1. Test 15





2. Presentation
- Setting the scene "use any words from the game Pelmanism to complete the following sentence"
- Help Ss distinguish the use of adj and adv

3. Practice
- Ask Ss to work in pairs to do exrcise 1 on page 52. Ss use the verds in the box to fill in the dialogue.

- Ask Ss to practise in open pairs and closed pairs

* Work with partners
- Ask Ss to look at mr Hao`s house and and answer some questions.
* Questions
a. Is Mr Hao`s house new?
b. Is the wall discolored?
c. How is the door?
d. Is there grass in big garden?
e. Should Mr hao repair the roof?
- Give explanation of the modal verbs Should

- Give Ss the qustions "What should he do with his house"?

- Ask Ss to use the verbs to advise Mr Hao what to do

4. Homework
- Write 5 sentences using Should + infinitive
- Do execise 4 P.34 in the work book
- Whole class
* Form:
S + Be + a/ an + adj + noun
S + Be + adj
S +v + adv
*use :
- adj modifies the noun after it or the subject
- Adv modifies the verb of the sentence.

- Work in pairs to complete the dialogue
* Answers:
a. well b. hard c. fast
d.badly e. softly

- Work in open pairs the closed pairs

- Whole class

* Answers:
a. No, it isn`t
b. yes, it is
c. it is broken
d. There is a lot of grass in the garden
e. Yes, he should

- Work in pairs

Mand? paint cut?

What should he do
with his house?
- Mr Hao should repair the roof
- Mr Hao should pait the house.
- Mr Hao should cut the grass
- Mr hao should replant the tree
- Mr Hao should mend the door

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