Chia sẻ bởi Lữ Ngọc Hùng | Ngày 10/10/2018 | 71

Chia sẻ tài liệu: UNIT 9: WHAT DID YOU SEE AT THE ZOO? thuộc CT Bộ GDĐT 5

Nội dung tài liệu:

Unit 9: What did you see at the zoo?
Lesson 1: 1-2-3
1-Aim: Practicing asking and answering question: “What did you see at the zoo? (I saw...”
2- Objective: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to ask and answer questions about animals in the zoo. (Hs có thể hỏi và trả lời về các con vật tronng sở thú)
3- Skills: Speaking, Listening
4- Teaching Aids: Pictures of page 58.
5- Procedure
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities





I- Warm up:
Tiger gorilla

..... crocodile
1* Pre- teach Vocabulary:

-other//: khác
-fast/:st/: nhanh ≠ slow: chậm
-pythons//: những con trăn
-crocodiles//: những con cá sấu
-peacocks/`pi:/: những con công
-gorillas//: những con khỉ gô-ri-la
* Checking memory:
-Slap the board
2* Set the scene:
Pictures of page 58

3.* Presentation dialogue
a. Tom: I didn’t see you yesterday. Where did you go?
Linda: I went to the zoo.
b. Tom: What did you see at the zoo?
Linda: I saw a baby elephant and some other animals.
c. Tom: Did you see monkeys?
Linda: Yes, I did. They were really noisy!
d. Tom: Did you see tigers?
Linda: Yes. They were really fast.
4*Target language:
What did you see at the zoo?
I saw a baby elephant and some other animals.
* Form:
What did you see at the zoo? (I saw____.

*Concept check:
* Meaning: Bạn đã thấy gì ở sở thú.-Mình đã thấy...
* Using: ask and answer questions about animals in the zoo.
III- Practice:
* Picture drills: (page 58)
a. / b.//
pythons crocodiles
c./ d./
peacocks gorillas
* Pair work:
IV- Production: Interview
Let’s talk (p.59)

V- Homework:
- Learn the lesson
- Preparing unit 1 lesson 1: 456

- Setting up the activities

- Controling the activity

-Giving feedback

-Eliciting, modeling, checking meaning and pronunciation



-Asking ss to copy

-Introducing the situations.
“Who are they?”
“What do they say?”

- Eliciting from the students to make a dialogue
T-Ss , Ss-T, Ss-Ss ,S1-S2
-Asking ss to repeat then practice in groups(in pairs
-Monitoring and assisting
-Correcting the ss’task

-Showing the target language

-Asking ss to give the form, the meaning, the use, and the intonation

- Asking Ss to copy the form

- Running through the pictures
- Modeling
T-Ss, Ss-T , Ss-Ss ,
S1-S2 , S3-S4
- Asking Ss to practice the form
- Asking Ss to play a role
- Monitoring and assisting Ss to play role
- Asking Ss to practice in pairs

-Asking ss to use the structure to interview their friends
-Giving feedback

- Setting up the tasks for Ss to do at home

- Taking part in the activities
- Giving the animals

- Listening to the teacher, repeating in chorus( individuals
-fast ≠ slow



-Listening to the teacher.
-Answering the questions

-Taking part in buiding a dialogue

-Listening to the teacher and repeating in chorus( in groups

-Practicing speaking in pairs

-Saying the form and the using and meaning of the form

-Copying the form down

- Repeating in chorus

-Listening and repeating in chorus ,individuals
- Taking part in practicing
-Playing the role.
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