Unit 9. What did you see at the zoo?

Chia sẻ bởi Lê Thu Lan | Ngày 10/05/2019 | 223

Chia sẻ tài liệu: Unit 9. What did you see at the zoo? thuộc CT Bộ GDĐT 5

Nội dung tài liệu:

What did you see at the zoo ?
I saw _______.
Roared loudly

Moved quietly
did things slowly
Roared loudly

Moved quietly
did things slowly
Chậm chạp
Rất đẹp
Rất nhanh
Lặng lẽ
Ầm ĩ
Ồn ào
Roared loudly
2.Point and say.
Move beautifully
2.Point and say.
Move quietly
2.Point and say.
Eat slowly
2.Point and say.

What are your favourite animals at the zoo?

What did the …. do when you were there?

Moved beautifully.

What are your favourite animals at the zoo?

What did the …. do when you were there?

roared loudly.

What are your favourite animals at the zoo?

What did the …. do when you were there?

ate loudly.

What are your favourite animals at the zoo?

What did the …. do when you were there?

moved quickly.

What are your favourite animals at the zoo?

What did the …. do when you were there?

sprayed water with
their trunks.
Practise with your friends.
- Learn by heart.
- Prepare Unit 9 Lesson 2: (Part 4, 5, 6)
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Người chia sẻ: Lê Thu Lan
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