Unit 6. How many lessons do you have today? (E5 new)

Chia sẻ bởi Vi Phượng | Ngày 10/10/2018 | 104

Chia sẻ tài liệu: Unit 6. How many lessons do you have today? (E5 new) thuộc CT Bộ GDĐT 5

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Unit 6. How many lessons do you have today?
(Test 1)
I. Arrange these letters to make correct school subjects.
sicalphy ucaedtion:
escenci :
mVsietneea: II. Complete the dialogue with the words from the box.
What time too timetable an favorite will Physics lessons
Phong: I don’t have my (1) ................................. .What do we have today, Minh?
Minh: We have Maths, (2) ................................., History and English.
Phong: (3) .................................do we have Physics?
Minh: We have it from 7:45 to 8:30.
Phong: What (4) .................................will we have tomorrow?
Minh: We (5) .................................have Geography, Art, Music and Physical Education.
Phong: What is your (6) .................................subject, Minh?
Minh: I like Math. It’s (7) .................................interesting and important subject.
Phong: Yes, I like Math (8) ..................................
III. Choose the correct word or phrase
He is a student ........Le Loi School.
a. at b. in c. on d. for
The class ........at 7 o’clock in the morning.
a. starts b. start c. end d. ends
........are you talking to? – I am talking to my friend, Thanh.
a. Who b. Which c. When d. What
........do you go to bed?- At half past ten.
a. What b. When c. Where d. What time
........does Nga have English? – On Monday and Tuesday.
a. When b. How long c. How far d. What time
........lessons do you have today? – We have four lessons.
a. How far b. How much c. How many d. What time
7. Mai goes to school........ a week.
a. five time b. fifth time c. five times d. five
8. How many ........ does Hung have on Wednesday?
a. lesson b. lessons c. class d. classroom
IV. Rewrite the words in correct order to make meaningful sentences.
favorite/ Art / Music/ her/ subjects/ are/ and/.

Students / have / on / lessons / Vietnamese / Saturdays/.

English / have / students / don’t / on / lessons / Saturdays/.

have / in / only / on / they / lessons / morning / the / weekdays/.

Maths/ My/ times/ class/ week/ have/ a/ lessons/ six/.

have / in / exams / students / their / the / May/.

always / homework / they / their / in / evening / the / do/.

is / television / moment / she / at / watching / the/.

does/ How/ lessons/ she/ Thursday/ many/ have/ on/?

They/ week/ have/ times/ lessons/ three/ a/ English/.

V. Translate these sentences into Vietnamese.
My lessons begin at 12:45 and end at 17:15.

The last class begins at 16:30 and ends at 17:15.

There are two breaks in the afternoon.

The first class begins at 12:45 and ends at 13:30.

Of all subjects I like English best.

VI. Choose the best suitable words to complete the passage.
At school we (1) ........many things. In Literature, we learn (2) ........books and write essays. In History, we study past and present (3) ........in Viet Nam and around the world. In (4) ........we study different countries and their people. In Physics, we learn about (5) ........things work.
In the (6)........class, we study English. We study (7) ........other things as well, such as Music, Sports and Art. We (8) ........all of our lessons.
a. have b. study c. do
a. with b. at c. about
a. events b. things c. lessons
a. Geography b. Physics c. Biology
a. when b. what c. how
a. Music b. Language c. Math
a. much b. many c. any
a. learn b. enjoy c. have
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