Unit 3. Where did you go on your holiday? (E5 new)

Chia sẻ bởi Vi Phượng | Ngày 10/10/2018 | 90

Chia sẻ tài liệu: Unit 3. Where did you go on your holiday? (E5 new) thuộc CT Bộ GDĐT 5

Nội dung tài liệu:

(Test 2)
I. Odd one out:
1. a. big b. small c. old d. well
2. a. flower b. lake c. tree d. garden
3. a. town b. city c. country d. house
4. a. travel b. bike c. bus d. car
5. a. get b. leave c. school d. start
II. Choose the best option
Nha Trang _______beautiful and the people _______ friendly.
a. be/be b. was/were c. were/were d. visit/bought
Liz _______ Nha Trang last holiday and she _______a lot of souvenirs
a. visits/buys b. visited/buyed c. visited/bought d. visit/bought
Where _______you visit when you were in HaLong?
a. do b. did c. will d. is
Did you_______any photographs there?
a. take b. takes c. took d. taking.
My aunt cut my hair yesterday. She is a_______.
a. teacher b. dressmaker c. hairdresser d. doctor.
You parents look very_______.
a. happily b. happiness c. happy d. to be happy.
Hoa`s parents are busy _______ it is nearly-harvest time again.
a. so b. because c. but d. and
My mother wants me _______early and take morning exercise
a. to get dressed b. to have c. to sleep d. to get up
Her parents want her not_______ too much candy.
a. eats b. eating c. to eat d. ate
What is the matter with you, Minh? _______have a toothache
a. I b. She c. He d. Minh
_______is Minh nervous? Because he is seeing the dentist.
a. What b. why c. when d. who
What did you eat last night? I _______ fish, rice and soup.
a. eat b. eats c. ate d. eating
For breakfast yesterday, she _______ bread, beef and milk.
a. have b. had c. has d. having
What _______ do you like? I like table tennis.
a. schools b. sports c. books d. music
Nam is a good soccer player. He plays soccer_______.
a. good b. goodly c. well d. badly
Come and _______ basketball, Nam
a. do b. go c. play d. see
Would you like _______ dinner at my house tonight?
a. have b. to have c. has d. having
Lan watches TV every night. She _______ watches TV
a. sometimes b. never c. always d. often
Hoa likes_______ to music.
a. listening b. listens c. listen d. listened
Many teenagers around the world_______to the radio.
a. watch b. play c. listen d. do
_______do you go to the amusement center? - Once a week.
a. How long b. how far c. how many d. how often
_______ were you born? - In a small village in Vietnam.
a. When b. Where c. what d. why
Hoa................................a student in this school last year. (be)
Last summer , they ............................ to NhaTrang. (go)
Nga , Lan and Mai ........................lunch together at the school yesterday. (have)
Dung didn’t .......................... any noodles. (have)
Before I moved here , I ............................in the country. (live)
When I was young . I ......................................play tennis. (not like)
She didn’t .................................... the trip because of the heavy rain. (enjoy)
They ..........................................in Ha Noi last month. (be)
She ............................................in Da Nang in 2004. (live)
How ............................your vacation in NT last month? (be)
My father ............................................me to the zoo yesterday. (take)
My friends ..............................................doctors last year. (be)
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