Unit 14 e5 new

Chia sẻ bởi laurel | Ngày 10/10/2018 | 154

Chia sẻ tài liệu: unit 14 e5 new thuộc CT Bộ GDĐT 5

Nội dung tài liệu:

I.Translate into English. Dịch các từ sau sang tiếng anh
1. hoàng tử:............................... 6. Hạt giống:.................................
2. quả táo thần:........................... 7. Trao đổi:...................................
3. lâu đài:................................... 8. Ra lệnh, yêu cầu:......................
4. kết hôn:................................. 9. Tham lam:.................................
5.nhân vật: .............................. 10.thú vị: .....................................
11. ngạc nhiên:......................... 12. Ngon:.......................................
13: loại....................................... 14. Tốt bụng:................................
II. Choose the words above to fill in the blanks. Chọn những từ bên trên để điền vào các chỗ trống sau:
An Tiem recieved some ________________from the crow. He grew them.
Folk tales are usually short and ______________. They give me one surprise after another.
The ____________visited the castle and he met the beautiful princess.
The brother in the story was so _______________. He wanted to have all of the money.
The main_________________in this story is Snow White.
The King ______________the princess not to go outside. The pricess was very upset.
In the past, people often ______________salt for food and drink.
My mother was very _____________when we had a big birthday party for her.
Linda is a _________________person. She often help other people when they have trouble.
In the end, the Prince and the Princess _________________and lived hapily ever after.
III. Change these words into past form:Chuyển những động từ sau sang dạng quá khứ:
Order:....................................... 7.Take:...........................................
Get: ......................................... 8. Read:.........................................
Find:........................................ 9. Hear:........................................
Meet:...................................... 10. Can..........................................
Think................................... 11. Lose:........................................
Is/am: .................................. 12. Stand:......................................
13. give: .................................. 14. Exchange................................
15. grow.................................. 15. Call........................................
IV. Match the question with the suitable anwers:Nối câu hỏi với câu trả lời phù hợp
What book are you reading?
I’m reading folk tales.

What happened in the story?
I think she is gentle and beautiful.

What are you doing, Mai?
He likes comic books

What do you think of Snow White
I like The story of Mai An Tiem.

What kinds of story does Peter like?
Because it gives her one surprise after another

Who is the main character in this story?
First, the prince visited the castle and he met a beautiful princess.

Why does she like that book?
I’m reading a book.

What is your favorite book?
The main character is Tam.

V. Reoder the sentences
1. they/ and/ lived/ In/ hapily/ the end/ got married/ ever after.
2. folk tales/ I/ because/ love/ each of them/ me/ gives/ in life./ a lesson
3. Tam/ gentle./ very/ beautiful/ and/ was
4. does/ Why/ she/ this /story/ like?
5. think of/ What/ Linda/ does/ main/ the/ character/ in/ this story.
VI. Fill in the blank with the words in the box. Translate the story in Vietnamese
(Điền những từ trong hộp vào chỗ trống. Dịch truyện sang tiếng Việt)
got married First cruel ordered fell in love(phải lòng)

Once upon the time, there was a beautiful girl named Tam. She lived with her father ,her step-mother and her sister,Cam in a small village.______, Tam’s father died. Her step-mother _______ her to do much housework. Tam was very upset. Cam was as ________ as her mother. She often made Tam be punished the mother. Then, one day, Tam met a King with the help of a fairy. The King _________ with her and he took her to his castle. Next, Cam and her mother found different ways to make Tam died but they failed terribly. In the end, Tam _________ to the King and lived happily ever after.
New words: be punished: bị phạt die: chết upset: buồn
Step-mother: mẹ kế fail terribly: thất bại thảm hại
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Người chia sẻ: laurel
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