Unit 11. What's the matter with you?

Chia sẻ bởi cao thi thuy dung | Ngày 14/10/2018 | 148

Chia sẻ tài liệu: Unit 11. What's the matter with you? thuộc CT Bộ GDĐT 5

Nội dung tài liệu:

Monday, 8th Janunary, 2017
Unit 8:What’s the matter with you?
Lesson 2: 1-6
1. Vocabulary:
Go to the doctor:
Đến gặp bác sĩ
Go to the dentist :
Đến gặp nha sĩ
Eat a lot of fruit:
Ăn nhiều hoa quả
Carry heavy things :
Mang nhiều đồ nặng
Eat a lot of sweets:
Ăn nhiều đồ ngọt
Take a rest:
Thư giãn, nghỉ ngơi
Go to the doctor: Đến gặp bác sĩ
Go to the dentist: Đến gặp nha sĩ
Take a rest: Thư giãn, nghỉ ngơi
Eat a lot of fruit: Ăn nhiều hoa quả
Carry heavy things: Mang đồ nặng
Eat a lot of sweets: Ăn nhiều đồ ngọt
Cách khuyên ai nên và không nên làm gì:
S + should/ shouldn’t + V-nguyên thể
Cách trả lời:
Yes, I will. Thanks.
Ok, I won’t. Thanks
3. Let’s talk
Your friend is not well. Tell him/her what he/she should/ shouldn’t do.
I have a/ an_____
You should____
You shouldn’t____
Yes,____ Thanks.
Ok,____ . Thanks
4. Listen and complete
5. Read and complete. Then say aloud
Rest stomach matter has doctor
Quan: Where’s Phong?
Mai: He can’t go to school today.
Quan: Why not? What’s the _________ with him?
Mai: He _______ a bad cough and is going to see the ______ this morning.
Quan: Oh, really? Poor him!
Mai: What is the matter with you, Tonny?
Tonny: I have a pain in my ________
Mai: Oh, dear. You should take a ____ now and go to the doctor later.
Tonny: Yes, I will. Thanks, Mai
6. Let’s Play
Learn by heart vocabulary and modal sentence.
Prepare for new lesson.
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