Tieng anh 8

Chia sẻ bởi Đinh Minh Nguyet | Ngày 17/10/2018 | 66

Chia sẻ tài liệu: tieng anh 8 thuộc Địa lí 8

Nội dung tài liệu:

Name: ……………………… THE FIRST TERM TEST
Class: 8 ……. ENGLISH 8
I. LISTENING: (2, 0 marks).
A. Listen and choose True (T) or False (F). (1 mark)
1. You should be polite when living in France.
2. The French find it annoying if you say “Sorry”.
3. In France, chatting to a taxi driver is considered as strange.
4. At dinner parties, the French like to talk about house prices and education.
5.The British enjoy taking part in discussions about politics or art.
B. Answer the questions.(1 mark)
1. How long has the writer lived in France?
2. What do the French think about the British?
3. Do the French often make “small talk”?
4. What will the French expect to talk about?
5. How do the British feel if their guests want to talk about politics?
II. USE OF ENGLISH : (2.5 marks)
A. 1. Choose a word with the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest : (1 m)
1. A. allergy B. teenager C.calorie D. asmosphere
2. A. recognized B. established C. finished D. laughed
A. 2. Choose a word that has different stress pattern from the rest.
3. A. community B. astronaut C. minority D. delicious
4. A. woodcutter B. handsome C. generous D. traditional
5. A. mispronunciation B. extraction C. pedestrian D. magician
B. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentences: (2.0 ms)
1. When the …………. Arrives at the Cham tower, the dancers perform a welcome dance in front of the tower.
A.dancer B. parade C. crowd D. procession
2. So many people nowadays are ………….. computers and mobile phones. They use them a lot.
A. afraid of B. worried about C. addicted to D. bored with
3. Although there are cultural …………… between ethnic groups, they still keep the identity of their own culture.
A. relations B. exchanges C. diversity D. changes
4.It’s a rule, so everyone ……………. Strictly follow it.
A. has to B. doesn’t have to C. should D. shouldn’t
5………….. the Mongols were very powerful, Tran Quoc Tuan defeated them three times during the 13th century.
A. Because B. However C. Although D. If
6. The Le Mat Festival ……………. he founding of the village
A. performs B. preserves C. worships D. commemorates
7.Among the ……….., the tay people have the largest population.
A. ethnic minorities B.ethnic cultures C. groups D. majorities
8. Chaul Chnam Thmey is the biggest …………… of the Khmer people.
A. practice B. ceremony C. festival D. celebration
9.Does dhe fancy …………….. a book to the younger children?
A. read B. reading C. reads D. to read
10. When I ………….. the performance, I met one of my ols friends.
A. was watching B. am watching C. watched D. watch
C. Find, underline a mistake in each sentence and correct it. (1m)
1. When I came, the whole family is having dinner around a big dining table. . ……………
2. I don’t like this festival although it’s too noisy. ……………….
3. The Hung King’s sons offered him many special foods; moreover, Tiet Lieu just brought him Banh Chung and Banh Day. ……………….
4. While she was dancing, the princess was seeing a witch. ……………….
5. For some people, training pets are hard work. ……………….
III. READING: (2. 0 marks)
A. Read and complete the passage with words in the box. (1 m)
Preserve / accidents / pollution / cause / performances / expensive / affect / waste / crowds / dangerous.

Although people love festivals very much, there are also some disadvantages.
First, festival are very costly. Because the general purpose of festival is
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