Tieng anh 3.words

Chia sẻ bởi Đào Thị Xuyến | Ngày 10/10/2018 | 83

Chia sẻ tài liệu: tieng anh 3.words thuộc CT Bộ GDĐT 5

Nội dung tài liệu:

Week 1: (16/08 - 22/08)
SEMESTER 1 – Starter Unit – Lesson 1 - Period 1

Lesson 1 Objectives: - Giving and responding to greetings and introductions, Speaking skills

Topic – Language target
Resources and Teaching Aids
Key Activities

Listening – Speaking

Class Book characters

Everyone, come, fun, class, cousin,, who, this, sorry, come on

What’s your name?
Who’s this?

Teaching Aids:
- CD tracks 1-3
- Story Poster Starter Unit
- Hello flashcards 1-4

( Say Hello to all the children and elicit Hello in response. Ask every child to say Hello to the other children. Say My name’s…Ask a child, What’s your name? Encourage children to ask each other’s names and respond in pairs.
( Show the flashcards and say the names of the characters for children to repeat. Divide the class into two. When you show a flashcard, half of the class says, What’s your name? The other half responds with My name’s Billy, etc…

( Recording 1: Say Open your books, and mime the action. Children point to the characters and say the names. Play the first part of the recording and model pointing to the pictures as you listen. Children then do the same. Play again and give the flashcards to four children. Get them to stand up when they hear their character’s name.
(Recording 2: Children listen and chant along – then do again without recording. Divide the class into four, give each group a character’s name and ask them to stand up when they hear their name.
(Recording 3: Use the Starter Poster and point to the characters and ask, Who’s this? Play the recording and point to the pictures. Play it again and ask children to point to the pictures. Children follow the words as they listen in their Class Books.

( Trace and Circle: Do exercise 1 in the Workbook.
( Personalization: Ask individual children What’s your name? Students do Exercise 2. They then show the pictures to each other and practice the target vocabulary, pointing to the pictures and asking, What’s your name?

Week 1: (16/08 - 22/08)
SEMESTER 1 – Starter Unit – Lesson 2 - Period 2

Lesson 2 Objectives: - Giving and responding to greetings and introductions, Speaking skills

Topic – Language target
Resources and Teaching Aids
Key Activities

Listening – Speaking


That’s my name.

What’s your name?
My name’s…
How are you?
I’m fine, thank you

Teaching Aids:
- CD tracks 3-4
- Story Poster Starter Unit
- Hello flashcards 1-4

( Begin the class by saying Hello to the children and encouraging them to greet each other in the same way. Show the flashcards again and elicit the names of the characters.
(Show the story poster again and ask the children to repeat the story. Play recording 3 again and children can say it along with the audio. Decide on actions for the story and get the students to do the actions as they say the story.

(Ask and answer: Say Open your books, and show children opening the Class Book to page 5. Say Look at the pictures, indicating the pictures of the boys. Read and model the dialogue, pausing for children to repeat. Read the dialogue with one of the stronger students, and then put students in pairs to practice it themselves.
(Recording 4: Ask children to look at the pictures in Exercise 3 and ask what they can see. Elicit any words they think will appear in the song. Play the song and ask children to listen. Play again and ask children to sing along, saying their own name in the appropriate place and add actions.

( Vocabulary practice: Ask students to open their Work Books to page 5. Ask students what is happening in the story. Do exercise 1. Put students in pairs to practice the story. Students then do Exercise 2.
(Role play: Ask students to work with a different partner. They practice the dialogue from Exercise 2 again, but this time substituting their own names. Then they shut their books and do it from memory. Have volunteers act out the dialogue in front of the class.

Week 1: (16/08 - 22/08)
SEMESTER 1 – Starter Unit – Lesson 3 - Period 3

Lesson 3 Objectives: - Talking about ages, Speaking and listening skills

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