Test for english 3 unit 6 - unit 10

Chia sẻ bởi Nguyễn Diệu Hòa | Ngày 10/10/2018 | 103

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English 3 Test for unit 6
I.Reorder the letters
1. nope .............
2. danst ................
3. meco ...............
4. tis ...................
5. cselo ................
6.boko ................. II. Read and match
2. Stand
3. Come
a. up, please.
b. your book, please.
c. down, please.
d. here, please III. Put the words in order.
May/ Sir. / come / in / I /,/ - .................................................
please/ quiet / be/ - .................................................................
Miss/ I / a / ask / question/ may / Hien/ , / ? /- .................................................
out/ May / go / I / ? / - ............................................................
IV. Match the sentences.
Who’s that? a. Sorry, Mr Loc.
How old are you? b. It’s my friend Linda.
Don’t talk, boys. c. Yes, you can.
May I come in, Miss Hien d. I’m 6 years old.
V. Read and complete.
come don’t yes book

 Tom: May I come in, Mr Loc?
Mr Loc: (1) ................, you can.
Mr Loc: (2) ............. talk, Nam.
Nam: Sorry, Mr Loc.
Miss Hien: Mai, open your (3) .........., please.
Mai: Yes, Miss Hien.
Miss Hien: (4) ............. here, Quan.
Quan: Yes, Miss Hien.

English 3 Test for unit 7
I.The odd one out.
1. a. school b. classroom c. music room
2. a. computer room b. library c. small
3.a. large b. playground c. big
4.a. gym b. beautiful c. nice
II. Read and match.
That is my
The playground is
Is the library
Is that your
large III. Put the words in order.
1.school/ this / my / is / - .......................................................
2. that/ a / gym/ is/ - .................................................................
3. is / new/ computer / room / the/ ? / - .......................................................................
4. the / library / large / is /. / - ...........................................................................
IV. Read and complete
isn’t is classroom my new

 Linda: That is (1) ............ school.
Nam: Wow! It’s beautiful!
Linda: Yes, it (2) ...............
Nam: Is it (3) ...............?
Linda: Yes, it is
Nam: Is your (4) ........... big?
Linda: No, it (5) ................. It’s small.

V. Match the sentences.
1. This is my school.
2. Is that your school?
3. Is the playground large?
4. Is the library new?
a. No, it isn’t. It’s old.
b. Wow! It’s beautiful!
c. No, it isn’t . It’s small.
d. Yes, it is.

English 3 Test for unit 8
I.The odd one out.
1. a. school things b. pen c. pencil d. book
2. a. ruler b. rubber c. those d. notebook
3.a. pencil sharpener b.these c. pencil d. pencil case
4.a. that b. classroom c. music room d. Library
5.a. small b. schoolbag c. long d. short
II. Read and match.
1.That is my pencil
3. These are my
4. They’re
a. new, too.
b. notebooks
c. new.
d. case.
III. Put the words in order.
1.ruler/ this / my / is / - .......................................................
2. that/ your / pencil case? / Is/ - .................................................................
3. are / These / notebooks / my / - .......................................................................
4. your / Are / those/ pens? / - ...........................................................................
IV. Read and complete
they books schoolbag that new

 That is my classroom. It is big. This is my (1) .......... . It is new. (2) ............... is my pencil sharpener. It is small. These are my pencils. (3) ........... are short. Those are my (4
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