Test 5

Chia sẻ bởi Nguyễn Văn Đen | Ngày 10/10/2018 | 108

Chia sẻ tài liệu: test 5 thuộc CT Bộ GDĐT 5

Nội dung tài liệu:

Review: Grade 5

Bài 1: Chọn từ phù hợp để hoàn thành câu:
twice favorite except once Music
11. We go on holiday ________ a year, in the summer.
12. She goes to school every day, ____________ Saturday and Sunday.
13. During __________ lessons, we sing many good songs.
14. They go to Art Club _________ a week, on Thursday and Sunday.
15. My ________________ subject is Science.

Bài 4: A. Chọn câu trả lời phù hợp cho các câu hỏi ở cột bên trái:
16. Are you at school now?

It’s Vietnamese.

17. How many lessons do you have today?

b. Yes, I am. It’s break time.

18. How often do you have Science?

c. Yes, I do. I have 3 lessons today.

19. Do you have school today?

d. No, I don’t I like Music.

20. What subjects do you have today?

e. I have four.

21. Do you like Art?

f. I have it twice a week.

22. What’s your favorite subject?

g. Vietnamese, English and Science.

 B. Đọc và hoàn thành đoạn hội thoại sau:
Nam: (23) ______ you have school today?
Linda: Yes, I do.
Nam: How (24) ________ lessons do you have today?
Linda: I have (25) _________: Vietnamese, Maths, PE and Science.
Nam: What’s your favorite (26) ______________?
Linda: It’s Maths. I like numbers. How about you?
Nam: I like (27) ________, too.

Bài 5: A. Đọc đoạn văn, chọn từ phù hợp điền vào chỗ trống:
online pretty lessons singing times
My name is Quynh. It is Friday today. I am at school now. I have three (28) ____________: Vietnamese, English and Music. I have English three (29) _________ a week. My English teacher is Miss Loan. She is a (30) ___________ and great teacher. English is one of my favorite subjects because I love (31) ______________ English songs. I also like talking with foreign friends (32) ____________.
B. Đọc lại đoạn văn rồi trả lời các câu hỏi sau:
33. Is Quynh at school now? ( _____________________________________________________
34. How many lessons does she have today? ( __________________________________
35. How often does she have English? ( _________________________________________
36. What’s her favorite subject? ( _________________________________________________

Bài 6: Sắp xếp từ thành câu hoàn chỉnh:
37. you/ school/ at/ Are/ now/ ? ( _______________________________________________
38. lessons/ How/ you/ do/ today/ many/ have/ ?
( __________________________________________________________________
39. IT/ have/ Do/ today/ you/ ? ( __________________________________________________
40. four/ Vietnamese/ a/ He/ week/ times/ has/ .
( ______________________________________________________________

Bài 3: Chọn câu trả lời phù hợp cho câu hỏi ở cột bên trái:

18. What do you do in the evening?

She lives in Da Nang City.

19. How did you go to Hue?

b. We went to Phu Quoc Island.

20. Did you join the sports festival?

It’s big and busy.

21. Where does she live?

d. We played hide-and-seek.

22. Do you have school today?

e. I will swim in the sea.

23. What’s your city like?

f. I usually do my homework.

24. How often do you go fishing?

g. He has Maths, English and IT

25. Where did you go last summer?

h. I went by train.

26. What did you do at the party?

i. No, I didn’t. I went to the zoo.

27. What will you do at the beach?

k. Yes, I do.

28. What lessons does he have today?

l. Once a month.

Bài 4: Mỗi câu sau có 1 lỗi sai, em hãy tìm và sửa lỗi sai đó:
29. Did he invited you to his birthday party? ______________
30. They will build sandcastles in the beach. ______________
31. How did you get there? – I went on underground. _____________
32. We took a lot of photo at the party. __________________
33. She often go swimming
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