Chia sẻ bởi đinh thị thúy hà | Ngày 10/10/2018 | 80

Chia sẻ tài liệu: SẮP XẾP LẠI CÂU IOE LỚP 4 thuộc CT Bộ GDĐT 5

Nội dung tài liệu:

Bài 2: Put the words in right order
1. is friend my Mike ,too.
2. in There are rooms your my house.
3. years old. brother is My nine
4. fish in The is the bottle.
5. your Take out pink ruler , Alan.
6. What pencil ?iscolour that
7. student. a primary brother My is
8. on cats the desk ? How many are there
9. beautiful. flowers are These
10. Those telephones two pink. Are
Bài 1: Put the words in right order
1. speak English. can Jim
2. family. my this is
3. Lam from Ha Noi. Is
4. is for you. gift This
5. youWhere from ? are
6. I ice cream an like would
7. Nga. is name My
8. pink. These books are
9. some give me Please, more.
10. seven He old. is years

Bài 1: Put the words in right order
1. pink cake This for you. is
2. shelf are the on The vooks
3. the I in evening. watch TV
4. have at I six o’clock. breakfast
5. lessons ?do What you do during English
6. now. is the classroom in She
7. you like do English ? Why
8. day. favotite is my Friday
9. My on books the desk. are
10. you Would like ice cream ? an
Bài 3: Put the words in right order
1. Is small ?big or your house
2. under cat The that chair. is
3. Why Tom Arts ?like does
4. names, your please. Write
5. many How that box ? in cats
6. My not is room big.
7. the , please ruler me Give
8. like milk. would some I
9. this box ? a round Is
10. seven a week. days There are in
Bài 1: Put the words in right order
1. you milk ? Would like some
2. There are two my house. bedrooms
________________________________________________________ in
3. beautiful. kites These are
4. during What do Music lessons ? you do
5. to play very much. Tom game likes
6. the most ? like subject do you What
7. today. The weather hot is
8. are notebooks My green.

9. tree. climb I can a
10. is on the map wall. The
Bài 1: Reoder the words to make sentences
1. like monkeys ?do Why you
2. drink. favourite is my juice Orange
3. near a my house. There is toyshop
4. from you Where are , Tommy.
5. in birthday June. Her is
6. have new I a pen.

7. isfavourite chicken. My food
8. Tom. Let’s a picture, draw
9. the maps ? Where are
10. notebooks ?and are Where the books
Bài 3: Reoder the words to make sentences
1. It is ball. a round

2. Sam ? Can swim, you
3. ruler short.
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Người chia sẻ: đinh thị thúy hà
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