Làm quen voi tieng anh

Chia sẻ bởi Nguyễn Đức Nhật Nam | Ngày 05/10/2018 | 74

Chia sẻ tài liệu: làm quen voi tieng anh thuộc Lớp 4 tuổi

Nội dung tài liệu:

Wordis a dialectical unity of form and content , independent unit of language to forma sentence by itself.
Morpheme: A morpheme is the smallest meaningful language units.

Inflectional morpheme : create different forms of the same word it carries thegrammatical meaning.
Eg: open ( opens,opening,opened,…
Dericational morpheme: create new words and are studied in lexicology.
Eg: Hope ( hopeless, hopelessly,hopelessness.
8. The baby are amusing means amusing baby.
The baby are amusing its parents:
9. the reason for the classification of suffixes
+ Suggests itself is the part of speech formed.
+ Be graded according to their productive degree or to their origin.
10. Noun-suffixes: -er, -or,-ing,-tion,-ness,-ish,…
Adjective-suffixes: -able,--ish,-ed,-less,-y,…
Verb-suffixes: -ize,-en,-fy,…
Adverb-suffixes: -ly,-ward,-wise,…

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Người chia sẻ: Nguyễn Đức Nhật Nam
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