Giao tieng anh 5 tuan 8

Chia sẻ bởi Bùi Anh Văn | Ngày 10/10/2018 | 84

Chia sẻ tài liệu: giao tieng anh 5 tuan 8 thuộc CT Bộ GDĐT 5

Nội dung tài liệu:

Date of planning: …………..
Date of teaching: 5A: ………….; 5B:……………

Lesson 1: Part 1, 2,3
I. Objectives:
- After the lesson, the student will be able to ask and answer about where somene will be
II. Language focus:
- Structure: Where will yo be …? I think I’ll be …
- Vocabulary: go for a picnic, in the countryside, on the beach, at school, by the sea.
III. Teaching aids: Book, CD
IV. Procedure:
A. Warm up (5’)
Chant: When was your birthday?
B. New lesson
Teacher’s activities
 Students’ activities

1. Look, listen and repeat (10’)
- Asking the students open the book page 30
- Focus their attention on the title of the unit, pictures and the texts.
- Get pupils to read the title of the unit and elicit their answers such as:
Who are they? Where are they? What are they talking about?
Then ask pupils to discuss what is happening in each picture.
- Read each line in the pictures and check pupils’ comprehension at times.
- Using English and Vietnamese when necessary.
- Teach the new words: friend?.
- Write the new vocabulary on the board and get pupils to say the words a few times.
* Make sure that pupils can understand the situation and language. Play the recording twice: once for pupils to listen all the way through and once for them repeat. Pause after each line for them to repeat a few times.
* Divide the class into groups to take turns to say the lines from picture a and b.
2. Point and say (10’)
- Asking student elicit the model sentence in the dialogue.
- Run pictures
- Asking the student look at the members in the picture
- Elicit their prompts to complete the text in the speech bubbles.
- Write the model sentence on the board and get pupils repeat the lines a few times in turn.
* Model the task with the whole class:
+ Where will you be at this weekend?
+ I think I’ll be …
- Let student repeat pattern sentence sometime
- Pair by pair drill with structure in the book
- Asking some question to check the comprehension of the lesson
- Teacher remark and correct
- Go through the task with the rest of the characters in the same way. Focus on pronunciation and fluency.
* Pairs work.
- Teacher monitors the activity and offer help when necessary.
*Select a few pairs to perform the task in front of the class.
3. Let’s talk.
- T tells pp that they are going to practise further by asking and answering questiond about where they will be this weekend.
- Let pp work in pairs:
+ Where will you be this weekend?
+ I think I’ll be …
- Monitoring the activity and offer help, if necessary.
- T invites some pairs to act out what they have practised. Then give feedback.
5. Homelink.(1’)
- Learn new words and structure by heart.

- Look and say

- Discuss and answer

- Look, listen and repeat.

- Listen and repeat

- Group 1
- Group 2

- Perform the task in front of the class.
Work in pairs

Work in pairs

Act out front class.

Date of planning: …………..
Date of teaching: 5A: ………….; 5B:……………

Lesson 1: Part 4, 5,6
I. Objectives:
- After the lesson, the student will be able to practise skills.
II. Language focus:
- Structure: Review
- Vocabulary: Review
III. Teaching aids: Book, CD
IV. Procedure:
A.Warm up (5’)
Lets’ talk
B. New lesson
Teacher’s activities
 Students’ activities

4. Listen and tick (10’)
* Ask the students open the book on page 31.
- Get pupils to look at the pictures and tell the purpose of listening.
- Listen and tick the correct picture in each number.
- Elicit pupils’ answers e.g. What do you see in the pictures of number 1and 2? Who are they? What are they doing?
- Using English and Vietnamese when necessary.
- Ask pupils should make guesses based on the pictures and contextual clues as they listen.
* Play the recording three times: the first for pupils to
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Người chia sẻ: Bùi Anh Văn
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