Giao an tieng anh 5 moi nhat

Chia sẻ bởi Bùi Anh Văn | Ngày 10/10/2018 | 78

Chia sẻ tài liệu: giao an tieng anh 5 moi nhat thuộc CT Bộ GDĐT 5

Nội dung tài liệu:

Date of preparing: 28/9/2016
Week 5
Period 17

Unit 3: How did you get there?
Lesson 3: Part 1, 2, 3

I. Objectives:
- After the lesson, the student will be able to pronounce correctly the first stress of the words.
II. Language focus:
- Structure: Review
- Vocabulary: Review
III. Teaching aids: Book, CD
IV. Procedure:
Class Date of teaching Absent students
5A 3/10/2016 ............................
5B 4/10/2016 .............................

A.Warm up (5’)
* Play a game: slap the board
- T gives instruction
- T lets Ss do together
New lesson
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities

1. Listen and repeat (10’)
* Ask the students open the book on page 22.
Let them pay attention on stress of words: ’motorbike, ’underground, ’holiday, ’family
- Get pupils to repeat the words a few times.
2. Listen and circle. Then say aloud. (10’)
* Get pupils to look at the sentences and tell the purpose of listening.
- Listen and circle each letters.
- Using English and Vietnamese when necessary.
- Ask pupils should make guesses based on theme and contextual clues as they listen.
* Play the recording three times: the first for pupils to listen all the way through and the second for them to do the task. Pause after each part for them to write letters.
- Ask pupils share guess answers before listening and correct answers after listening in pairs and report their answers to the class.
- Teacher writes the whole answers from students on the board then replay the recording the third to check their correct answers.
- Give some question. Why you choose that answer.
- Teacher remark and correct.
*After circling: Asking students read aloud the sentences. Aim is to check their understanding and consolidate language knowledge.
3. Let’s chant (10’)
Chant: Where did you go?
Stick the large- sized sheet of paper with the chant Where did you go? on the board.
- Discuss the pictures with pupils. Point to each child and elicit their answers to identify him/ her.
* Play the recording twice: once for pupils to listen all the way through and once for them to do the task. Pause after each line for them to repeat a few times.
*Replay the recording for class to chant along.
- Divide the class into groups. Each group chants a line without music.
- Group work
- Call on a group to chant in front of the class
* Suggest pupils replace the names in the chant with their two friends then chant.
5. Home link: (1’)
- Do ex in work book.

- Have pupils look at the letters and read the sounds
- Have pupils listen and repeat.

- Pupils listen and answer

- Pupils look and guess.

- Pupils listen and circle.

- Pp share and correct
Read aloud sentences.
-Ss share

- Pupils have a listen and chant

- Pupils chant along recording.

- Pupils chant.

- Pupils display

Date of preparing: 28/9/2016
Week 5
Period 18

Unit 3: Where did you go?
Lesson 3: Part 4, 5, 6

I. Objectives:
- After the lesson, the student will be able to read and answer, write about you and project follow theme.
II. Language focus:
- Structure: Review
- Vocabulary: Review
III. Teaching aids: Book, cards, CD
V. Procedure:
Class Date of teaching Absent students
5A 3/10/2016 ............................
5B 4/10/2016 .............................
A. Warm up (5’)
How are you to day ? What do you do on...?
B. New lesson
Teacher’s activities
 Students’ activities

4. Read and complete (10’)
* Get pupils to look at Nam’s letter and tell the purpose of the task.
* Make sure pupils understand the task.
- Have a brief discussion about the passage and instruction, and elicit pupils’ answers: What’s the passage about?how to complete the letter?
- Introduce, explain and reteach in the box if necessary and write the new words on the board
- Ask the students look at the picture and scan all questions before answering.
* Individual reading or read oneself. Pupils read and choose the appropriate words to complete.
* Set time and move around the classroom to monitor the activity.
- Ask the students share their result follow pairs.
- Let some students write their answer
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