Chia sẻ bởi Lữ Ngọc Hùng | Ngày 10/10/2018 | 98

Chia sẻ tài liệu: GIÁO ÀN TIẾNG ANH 5 HK2 MỚI 2017 BGDDT thuộc CT Bộ GDĐT 5

Nội dung tài liệu:

Week: 19- Period: 73
Unit11. What’s the matter with you?
Lesson 1 (Activity1, 2, 3)
I/ Objectives:
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
Use the words and phrases related to the topic Common health problems.
Ask and answer questions about common health problems, using What’s the matter with you? I have…
Develop listening and speaking skills.
II/ Teaching aids
Text books, CDs player, Activ board....
III/ Teaching techniques
Substitution drill, communicative approach...
Role-play, pair work, group work,....
IV/ Language Focus
Vocabulary: toothache, earache, sore throat, stomach ache, dentist.
Sentence patterns:
What’s the matter with you?
I have .............................
V/ Procedures
T’s activities
Ss’ activities

I.Warm –up

Students watch a video “ Head, shoulder, knee and toe” song on youtube.

II. Presentation
Activity 1. Look, listen and repeat.
The dialogue on page 6

Key words:
Matter (n) vấn đề
Feel (v) cảm thấy
Headache (n) đau đầu
Fever (n) sốt
After: sau khi

III. Practice
Activity 2. Point and say.
_ Teach new words:
Toothache (n) đau răng
Earache (n) đau tai
Sore throat (n) đau họng
Stomach ache (n) đau bụng
_ Model sentences:

What’s the matter with you?
I have a headache.

a/ What’s the matter with you?
I have a toothache.
b/ What’s the matter with you?
I have an earache.
c/ What’s the matter with you?
I have a sore throat.
d/ What’s the matter with you?
I have a stomach ache.

Activity 3. Let’s talk.
_ What’s the matter with you?
I have a/ an _______.
_ What’s the matter with him?
He has a/ an _______.
_ What’s the matter with her?
She has a/ an _______.
_ What’s the matter with them?
They have a/ an _______.

_ give instruction and play the video on activ board.

_ Present the context and ask students to listen to the dialogue among Tony, his mother and his father.
_ Present key words and teach students’ pronunciation.
_ Follow the process in teaching vocabulary.
_ Have students practice the dialogue in groups.
_ Call some groups to practice aloud.--> give comments if it’s necessary.

_ Present new words and teach students’ pronunciation.
_ Ask students to build up the model sentences.
_ give the model sentences and their uses (explain if it’s necessary)
_ Ask students to practice in pairs making questions and answers about common health problems (a,b,c,d).

_ Tell the class that they are going to practise further by asking and answering questions about common health problems.
_Monitor the activity and offer help, if necessary.
_ Invite some pairs to act out their conversations.

_ Watch the video

_ Listen to the teacher’s guide and be concentrated on the dialogue.

_ Listen and repeat then copy down the words into their note-books.
_ Focus on spelling and pronunciation

_ Practice in groups of three, play role to finish the dialogue once.
_ Be ready to practise aloud.

_ Listen and repeat then copy down the words into their note-books.
_ Follow the teacher’s guide.
_ Practise with their partners and copy down the sentence patterns.

_ Practice in pairs
_ Copy down some of the answers into their note-books.

_ Practice in pairs.

_Act out the conversations.

VI/ Homework
_ Learn the lesson’s key words.
_ Be able to make questions and answers about common health problems.
_ Be ready for the next period: Lesson 1- Activity 4,5,6

Week: 19- Period: 74
Unit11. What’s the matter with you?
Lesson 1 (Activity 4, 5, 6)
I/ Objectives:
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
Use the words and phrases related to the topic Common health problems.
Ask and answer questions about common health problems, using What’s the matter with you? I have…
Develop listening, reading and speaking skills.
II/ Teaching aids
Text books, CDs player, Activ board....
III/ Teaching techniques
Substitution drill, communicative approach...
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