Giáo án lớp 5 tuần 34

Chia sẻ bởi Hoàng Thanh Nga | Ngày 10/10/2018 | 82

Chia sẻ tài liệu: giáo án lớp 5 tuần 34 thuộc CT Bộ GDĐT 5

Nội dung tài liệu:

Week 34 class 5
Period 132 Teaching date: 03/5/2017
Unit 20 Which one is more exciting, life in the city or life in the countryside?
Lesson 3: 1 – 2 – 3

By the end of this lesson the Ss will be able to say questions and answers with the correct intonation

Language focus
Falling intonation.

Text book, pictures, cassette player, active board.


Learning activities
Language focus

1 Warm-up (5’)
Spend a few minutes revising the previous lesson by getting two groups of pupils to play Pass the secret!. You may give a dictation for the class to do, using the sentences learnt in the previous lessons.
Telling a story

2 Listen & repeat (10’)
ell the class that they are going to practise saying the questions and answers, focusing on the intonation. • Play the recording all the way through for the class to listen. Play it again for them to do choral repetition until they feel confident. • Get some pairs to say the questions and answers. Correct the pronunciation, if necessary.
falling intonation
Whole class

Pair work, whole class

3 Listen and mark the sentence intonation’ ( or, ) . Then say the sentences aloud. (10’)
• Tell the class that they are going to listen and mark the intonation of the sentences. • Play the recording all the way through for them to listen. Play it again for them to do the task. Go around help, if necessary. • Have pupils swap and compare their answers before checking as a class. Then ask the class to read the sentences aloud.
Key: 1 a 2 b 3 b 4 a


Whole class

4 Let’s chant (10’)
Tell the class that they are going to say the chant Which one is more • Have them read the chant and check their comprehension. • Play the recording all the way through for pupils to listen and follow in their books. Play it again for them to do choral repetition. Then get them to practise chanting and doing actions. • Call two groups to the front of the class to say the chant and do actions: one group says the questions and the other says the answers. The rest of the class claps their hands along to the rhythm.
Chant: Which one is more
Whole class


5Home-link (5’)
Have Ss to further practice chanting at home.

Whole class

Period 133 Teaching date: 04/5/2017
Unit 20 Which one is more exciting, life in the city or life in the countryside?
Lesson 3: 4– 5 – 6

By the end and of this lesson the Ss will be able to review the way to talk about weather

Language focus
Vocab. review
Structures:  review
Reading and writing skill

Textbook, pictures, active board


Learning activities
Language focus

1Warm-up (5’)
Spend a few minutes revising the previous lesson by getting the class to say the chant Which one is more ...? in Activity 3 and do actions. Ask the rest of the class to chant with them and clap their hands along to the rhythm.
Tell the story

2 Read and answer
Tell the class that they are going to read the passage and answer the questions. • Get them to read the questions and underline the key words. Ask pupils to work in pairs or small groups
• Give a time limit for them to do the task. Go around and er help, if necessary. • Get pupils to swap and compare their answers before checking as a class. If time allows, let some of them summarize the passage. (E.g. Anna lives in Liverpool. She often goes to King’s Lynn during her summer holidays. It’s much smaller and quieter than Liverpool. Things in Liverpool are more expensive than in King’s Lynn
Reading skill
Key: 1 She lives in Liverpool. 2 She often goes to King’s Lynn. 3 King’s Lynn is. 4 Liverpool is. 5 Things in Liverpool are more expensive than in King’s Lynn.
Whole class


Whole class  

3 Write about where you live. (10’)
• Tell the class that they are going to write about where they live. • Have them work in pairs or groups to discuss what they are going to write. Tell them to focus on the places where they live
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