Giao an Anh 5 ki I sach moi

Chia sẻ bởi Mai Thi Thuy | Ngày 10/10/2018 | 78

Chia sẻ tài liệu: Giao an Anh 5 ki I sach moi thuộc CT Bộ GDĐT 5

Nội dung tài liệu:

Preparing date: ……………………………… Mai Thị Thúy - TH Lý Tự Trọng

Tuần ……….. Tiết ……….. Unit 1: A summer camp Lesson 1

I. Objective: Pupils will be able to ask and answer questions about where SO is from.
II. Aids: - Student`s books. - Audio and visual aids: recordings.
III. Teaching – Learning Procedures

Content - Time
Teacher`s activities
Students` activities

I. Warm up
- Play the game "Slap the board".

- Use the characters on Page 2.
- Devide the class into 2 groups.

- Say the name of the character in each picture.
- Pupils from two teams move to the board to slap the picture. The person who first slap the correct picture gets a point for his team.
- The group with the most points is the winner.

II. Present the new lesson
1. Look, listen and repeat

- Ask.
- Give the meaning of summer, camp.
? Can you guess the title
? Have you ever been to a summer camp
- Read the title of the unit.
- Listen.
- Guess.

- Point at each picture and ask:
? Who is this
? What`s her/ his name
- Ask
- Look at the pictures and answer

- Discuss what is happenning in each picture.

- Read sentence by sentence.
- Listen and repeat.

- Voc. : Malaysia, Thailand, Bangkok, Kuala Lumpur.
- Write the new vocabulary on the board.
- Read few times.

- Play the tape.
- Play the tape again.
- Listen.
- Listen and repeat.

- Devide the class into groups.
- Ask.
- Read the dialogue in groups.
- Read in pairs.

2. Point, ask and answer

- Set the cotext: These are the children at the summer camp in Vietnam. They come from many countries.
- Point to picture a and say "This is Zack. He`s from Kuala Lumpur. Repeat after me. Zack, Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur".
- Do the same with picture b, c, d.
- Listen.

- Listen and repeat "Zack, Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur".

- Structure:
- Where in Vietnam is he from?/ - Hanoi.
- Ask.
- Elicit the students` prompt.
- Write on the board.
- Read the example.
- Complete the speech bubbles.
- Repeat a few times.

- Model the task with the whole class.
- Ask.
- Ask.
- Listen. Then go through the task.
- Pair work.
- Some pairs perform in front of the class.

3. Listen and tick

Pic.2: a. two kangaroos for Sydney./ b. Thai Pagoda for Bangkok/ c.a kimono for Tokyo.
Pic. 3: a. a flag of Thailand for Thai nationality./ b. a flag of Lao for Laotian/ c. a flag of
- Ask.
- Look at the pictures.

- Tell the purpose of listening: You`re going to listen and tick the correct picture in each number.

- Elicit pupils` answer:
? What do you see in the pictures of number 1
? What country does this flag indicate/ ? And this one/ ? What about this one

- Flags.
- Malasia./ Indonesia./ Australia.

Cambodia for Cambodian.
Pic. 4: a. The Clock Tower Big Ben for London/ b. The Statue of Liberty for New York/ c. two kangaroos for Sydney.
- Do the same with the others.
- Play the tape twice.
- Play the tape again.
- Check the answer.
- Listen. Then listen and do the task.
- Check the answers.

1. - Hi. I`m Azmi. / - Hi, Azi. I`m Nam. Where are you from?
- I`m from Indinesia./ - Where in Indinesia are you from?/ - Jakarta.
2.- Hi. I`m Tony. I`m from Australia./ - Hello, Tony. I`m Lawan. I`m from Thailand.
- Where in Thailand are you from?/ - Bangkok./ - Oh, my family went to Bangkok last summer.
3. - Is Lawan Malasian?/ - No. She`s Thai.
- How do you know ?/ - He`s my new friend.
Answer: 1b, 2b, 3a, 4c.

4. Talk

? What`s the requirement
- Introduce the character in the
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Người chia sẻ: Mai Thi Thuy
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