Giao an

Chia sẻ bởi đặng thị phương | Ngày 10/10/2018 | 74

Chia sẻ tài liệu: giao an thuộc CT Bộ GDĐT 5

Nội dung tài liệu:

Tuần 7
Lesson 1

I. Objectives: Ss will be able to tell the activites that they usually do in their picnic to the seaside.
II. Language focus:
- Vocabularies: aquarium, campfire, explore, sunbathe,
- Sentence pattern: What will we do in the (morning)?
- We will ( run on the beach)
III. Resources: Student`s book,
IV. Procedures:
Teacher’s activities
Student’ activities

1. Warm up

-Ask ss to sing the song in the previous lesson
-Sing the song

 2. Look, listen and repeat

- Ask Ss the names of the characters and what they say. Tell them they are going to hear a group of friends talking about their activites they will do in the picnic to the seaside.
- T play the record
- Ask Ss to repeat again.
- Teach vocabulary: aquarium, campfire, explore, sunbathe,
- Sentence pattern:
What will we do in the (morning)?
- We will ( run on the beach)
- Listen. Guess where they are

- Look at the T
- Repeat
- Listen

- Write down

3. Point, ask and answer

- Ask Ss to look at the pictures
- Ask ss to work in pairs to practise the sentence pattern they have learnt
-Call some pairs to speak out
- Check.
- Identify the characters in the pictures.
-Practise in pairs

4. Listen and tick

- Ask Ss to look at the options
- Listen to the recording(x2) and tick
- Listen again and share the answer
- T checks
- in pairs
- Listen to the recording(x2) and number
- Listen again and share the answer

5. Talk

- Ask ss to look at the pictures and read the guides
-Ask ss to works in pairs and practise ask and answer due to guideline
-Call some pairs to give their answer
-Check and give feedback
- Work in pairs

6. Reinforcement

- Ss say what they have learnt in this lesson.
-Ask them what they will do if they go for a picnic to the seaside

7. Homelink

- Do exercises A in the workbook.
- Write

Tuần 7
Lesson 2
I. Objectives: Ss will be able To pronouce the sounds “ill” and “all” correctly and develop listening skills.
II. Language focus:
- Phonics: will, small
- Vocabularies: windmill, sandcastle
III. Resources: Student`s book, recording.
IV. Procedures:
Teacher’s activities
Student’ activities

1. Warm up

Bingo game
-Ask ss to list some activities for a picnic to the seaside on a pieces of paper
- Remain the rules of games
-Ask ss to play

-Play the game

 2. Listen and repeat

- Ask Ss to look at the word will and small and notice the letters coloured differently in both words. Tell them they are going to learn how to produce the sound of the letter ill in the word will and that of the letter all in the word small.
- Play the recording
- Ask then to clap the syllables

- Listening
- Say what they think about when they hear these sound

- Listening
- Clap the syllables

3. Listen and read together

- Ask Ss to look at the pictures and identify the characters
- Play the recording
- Introduce some new words: : windmill, sandcastle.
- Ask ss to work in pairs to pratise the dialogue
-Cal some pairs to speak out
- Look at the pictures

- Listen

- Work in pairs

4. Listen, complete and say aloud

-Explain the requirement of the task: ss have to fill in the blank with “ill” or “all”
-Play the recording twice for them to listen.
-Call some ss to go to the board nad write down their answer
-Ask the whole class to say aloud
-Fill in the blanks

-Say aloud

5. Listen and number

- Ask Ss to look at the options
- Listen to the recording(x2) and number
- Listen again and share the answer
- T checks
- in pairs
- Listen to the recording(x2) and number
- Listen again and share the answer

6. Homelink

- Do exercises B in the workbook.
- Write

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