Giáo án anh 5 trọn bộ

Chia sẻ bởi Nguyễn Thanh Thủy | Ngày 10/10/2018 | 86

Chia sẻ tài liệu: giáo án anh 5 trọn bộ thuộc CT Bộ GDĐT 5

Nội dung tài liệu:

Week 1; Period 1.
Preparing date: Sunday, August 24th 2014
Teaching date: Tuesday, August 26th 2014

Unit 1: A summer camp
Lesson 1: 1-2; Page: 6
By the end of the lesson, Students will be able to ask and answer about someone is from.
II. Language focus.
+ Vocabulary: camp, different, country, Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Bangkok, Jakatar
+ Structure: Where is he/she from?
→ He/ she is from Thailand.
III. Teaching aids.
Teacher’s book, students’ book and workbook, CD player, chalks, board, pictures...
IV. Teaching methods. - Work in pairs and work in groups
- Communicative approach
V. Teaching procedure.

Teacher and students’ activities

1. Warm up (5 minutes)

- Greeting by English
- Teacher(T) asks SS(Students) to greet and introduce themselves.
Mai: Hi, I’m Mai, I’m from Daknong, Vietnam.
Nam: Hi, I’m Nam, I’m from Daknong, Vietnam, too.

2. Presentation (11 minutes)

1. Set the scene:
- T asks Ss to look at the pictures in Ss book on page 6.
- Ss describe the pictures.
- T elicits from Ss response to introduce the new lesson.
2. Pre – teach vocab
- T explains the new language and gives some new words:
- T asks Ss to listen and repeat the new words.
- Ss read the new words individually and in chorus.
- T focuses Ss in pronunciation.

3. Model
- T explains the way to ask and answer about someone is from.
- Ss listen to the dialogue.
- T plays the recording again for Ss to repeat the dialogue.
- Ss role play the dialogue in groups.
- Have the whole class repeat the dialogue in chorus to reinforce their pronunciation.

Kuala Lumpur:

* Where is he/she from?
→ He/she is from Thailand.

3. Practice (10 minutes)

1. Point, aks and answer.
- Have Ss look at the pictures a, b, c, d in part 2, page 6.
- T asks Ss to identify the characters in the pictures.
- T points the picure a and asks Ss:
+ Who’s this?
+ Where is he from?
+ Where in … is he from?
- Ss fill the bubbles with the right answer.
- Ss ask and answer in pairs.
- T corrects Ss’ mistakes if necessary.
1. Point, aks and answer.
A: Where is he from ?
B: He’s from Malaysia.
A: Where in Malaysia is he from?
B: Kuala Lumpur.

4. Production (11 minutes)

- T asks Ss to ask and answer about where they themselves are from in pairs and then change their partners.
- Some pairs talk aloud in front of the class.
- Others observe and give coments if possible.
- T gives comment.
Ex: A: Where is he from ?
B: He’s from Thailand.
A: Where in Thailand is he from?
B: Bangkok.

5. Consolidation and homework (3 minutes)

- T summaries the vocab and the use of asking and answering about someone is from.
- Give students exercises
- Learn by heart the vocab and structures they’ve learnt.
-Do the exercises in the workbook.

Week 1; Period 2.
Preparing date: Sunday, August 24th 2014
Teaching date: Tuesday, August 26th 2014

Unit 1: A summer camp
Lesson 1: 3-4; Page: 7
By the end of the lesson, Students will be able to review the way to ask and answer about someone is from.
II. Language focus.
+ Vocabulary: review
+ Structure: review
III. Teaching aids.
Teacher’s book, students’ book and workbook, CD player, chalks, board, pictures...
IV. Teaching methods. - Work in pairs and work in groups
- Communicative approach
V. Teaching procedure.

Teacher and students’ activities

1. Warm up (5 minutes)

- Some pairs talk aloud about where they are from in front of the class.
- Others observe and give coments if possible.
- T gives comment.
Ex: A: Where is he from ?
B: He’s from Thailand.
A: Where in Thailand is he from?
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