Ga anh8

Chia sẻ bởi Đỗ Thị Hà | Ngày 10/10/2018 | 93

Chia sẻ tài liệu: ga anh8 thuộc CT Bộ GDĐT 5

Nội dung tài liệu:

Date of preparing: / 8/ 2015 Date of signing: / 8/ 2016
Date of teaching: / 8/ 2015

Nguyễn Thị Thanh Bình
Period 1
I. Objectives
By the end of the lesson Students can be able to review and remember some main knowledge they learnt in grade 6
- Book, planning,
III.New lesson.
Teacher’s and Students’ activities

1. Warm –up
- Ask ss some questions, ss answer:
? What do you do in the summer
(play soccer, play games,….)
? How often do you play soccer
? Do you often help your parents with the housework
2. Revision
- T asks ss about the form and use of the present simple,progressive and the future be going to.
-Ss recall the knowledge of present simple tense, present progressive, be going to
-Ss copy

3. Exercise
- Ask ss to do exercise 1. Ss practice.
- T comments and gives the correct answers
* Answer:
1. plays 4. rides
2. are cooking 5. are…going
3. don’t do 6. is going to stay
4. Homework.
Prepare for unit 1: My new school- getting started

1. The present simple tense:
* Form:
To be: am, is, are
+) S+ V(s, es)
Ex: I go to school everyday
-) S+ do/ does + not + Vinf
(do not = don’t/ does not = doesn’t)
Ex: She doesn’t play volleyball in the morning
? ) Do/ does + S+ Vinf?
Yes, S + do/does
No, S + don’t/ doesn’t
Ex: Do you walk to school every day?
Yes, I do/ No, I don’t
Wh- question:
Wh + do/does + S + Vinf?
Ex: What do you do in the weekend?
* Use:
- Express a habitual action
2. The present progressive tense:
* Form:
+) S + am/ is/are + Ving
-) S + am/is/are + not + Ving
? ) Am/is/are + S + Ving?
Yes, S + am/is/are
No, S +am not /isn’t/aren’t
Wh-question: Wh +am/is/are + S + Ving?
* Use:
- Express an action which is happening at the moment, often go with “now”, “at the moment”
Ex: I am watching TV now.
3. Be going to +Vinf:
* Form:
+) S + am/ is/are + going to +Vinf
-) S + am/is/are + not + going to + Vinf
? ) Am/is/are + S + going to +Vinf?
Yes, S + am/is/are
No, S +am not /isn’t/aren’t
Wh-question: Wh +am/is/are + S + going to + Vinf?
* Use:
- Express an action which happen surely in the future
Ex: She is going to visit Ha Long Bay next summer
4. Exercise:
Exercise 1: Give the correct form of verbs
1. She (play)……………. chess in the evening
2. Now we (cook)…………….. dinner
3. They (not do)……………. their homework on Sunday evenings
4. He (ride)……………………. his bicycle to school every morning
5. Where…………… (go)………… at the moment?/
6. Nam (stay) ……………… in Hue next weekend

School authority’s signature: …../…./2016

Date of preparing:…../8/2016
Date of teaching……./8/2016
Period 2
Lesson 1: Getting started
By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to listen and read for information about the topic “My favourite hobby”, practice asking and answering with “ Do you like + Ving..?,Play game ....
II. Teaching aids
- Stereo, CD.
III. New lesson
Teacher’s and student’s activities

1. Warm up
Chatting: What do you like doing in your free time?
Do you like collecting dolls?
Do you like collecting glass bottles?
Do you enjoy mountain climbing?
+ What all these activities are called?
2. Presentation
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Người chia sẻ: Đỗ Thị Hà
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