đề thi lớp 5 hoc kì 2

Chia sẻ bởi nguyễn thị sang | Ngày 10/10/2018 | 93

Chia sẻ tài liệu: đề thi lớp 5 hoc kì 2 thuộc CT Bộ GDĐT 5

Nội dung tài liệu:

Student’s name: ..............................Phone: ........................Class:5….
PROGRESS TEST GRADE 5 Time allowed: 45 minutes
I. Choose the best answer:
1, Odd one out:
a. cheap b. happy c. slow d. beautiful
2, Odd one out:
a. dentist b. expensive c. enjoy d. clever
3, I think Tokyo city is _____________than London city.
a. big b. more big c. biger d. bigger
4, I’m hungry. I’d like a _____________of chocolate.
a. packet b. bar c. glass d. carton
5, I’d like to be ______________because I’d like to travel and work in space.
a. an engineer b. an architect c. astronaut d. a businessman
6, Don’t run down the stairs because you may________________.
a. feel sick b. get a burn c. scratch your face d. break your leg
7, What will the weather be like tomorrow? It’ll be humid and ______________.
a. rain b. rainy c. snow d. fog
8, He has got _______________. He should go to see the dentist.
a. a bad toothache b. a headache c. a sore throat d. a backache
9, I couldn’t go to the party last night _____________I was sick.
a. so b. but c. because d. and
10, How many _______________of water do you drink every day?
a. bottle b. glasses c. cup d. cartons
11, Odd one out:
a. weather b. bread c. ahead d. cheap
12, Odd one out:
a. attractive b. pagoda c. island d. resort
13, The zoo isn’t far from here. You can go there ______________foot.
a. by b. at c. with d. on
14, What’s the matter with ______________? He has got a sore eye.
a. his b. him c. her d. you
15, ____________do you usually go in your free time? I usually go to the library.
a. What b. How c. Where d. When
16, Why ____________I play with the matches? _ Because you may get a burn.
a. should b. shouldn’t c. do d. does
17, I eat four _____________of rice and three ___________of water every day.
a. bowls / cups b. bowls / bottles c. bowls / glass d. bowl/ glasses
18, Where is the post office? It’s ________________the end of the street.
a. on b. in c. at d. with
19, Odd one out:
a. visit b. sing c. sound d. visit
20, _______________do you go to the library? I go there twice a week.
a. How often b. How c. How long d. When
21, Don’t play with the _________________because you may cut yourself.
a. match b. knife c. stove d. cat
22, . My brother usually goes swimming in ________________free time.
a. her b. my c. your d. his
23, She often _________________tennis in her free time.
a. play b. played c. playing d. playing
24, Odd one out:
a. plane b. humid c. foggy d. sunny
25, Why would you like to be a writer? _ Because I’d like to ________________.
a. fly planes b. grow vegetables c. write stories d. design buildings.
II.a.Read and complete:
Has playing having having play have

I am Holly. I am a student at Washington Primary School. At break time, I usually __play___with my
friends, Beth and Alex. Alex isn’t at school today, so I am playing with Beth. We ‘re __________ fun
today. At lunchtime, I always ____________a
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