De thi ky 1 khoi 5

Chia sẻ bởi Đỗ Văn Hùng | Ngày 10/10/2018 | 74

Chia sẻ tài liệu: de thi ky 1 khoi 5 thuộc CT Bộ GDĐT 5

Nội dung tài liệu:

Full name: _____________________________________

Class: Năm/…….Date: December ............, 2015


A/ PART I: Listening (5pts)
I. Listen and match (1pt)

II. Listen and circle (1pt)
1. a. hide and seek b. blind man’s bluff c. tag
2. a. an astronaut b. an architect c. an engineer
3. a. watched TV b. listened to music c. read comic book
4. a. November 20th b. November 25th c. October 20th
5. a. a birthday card b. a dictionary c. a comic book

III. Listen and number (1pt)

IV. Listen and tick. ( (1pt)
1. a.  b.  c. 
2. a.  b.  c. 
3. a.  b.  c. 
4. a.  b.  c.
5. a.  b.  c. 
V. Listen and complete (1pt)

A: What will we do in the (1) morning?
B: We’ll build some (2) ___________.
A: What will we do in the (3) ___________?
B: We’ll visit a small (4) ___________.
A: Will we (5) ___________ around the islands?
B: Yes, we will.
B/ PART II: Reading (1.5pts)
Read and do the tasks
Nam lives in Tien Giang. Every morning, he gets up early. He often walks to school. Yesterday was Sunday. Nam gots up late. He did not do morning exercise. He did not have breakfast. He went out for lunch with his family. In the afternoon, he went swimming with his father. He did not listen to her favourite music, but he watched the programme of “English for Kids” on TV. In the evening, he had no homework. He went to bed early.
I. Tick Yes or No Yes No
1. He often goes to school on foot.
2. He and his family went out for lunch.
3. He did not watch TV.
4. He did not do his homework in the evening.
II. Read the passage again and answer the questions:
1. Where does Nam live?
He lives in Tien Giang.
2. What day is it today?
3. Who did he go swimming with?
4. Did he stay up late last night?
C/ PART III: Writing (1.5pts)
I. Look at the picture and the letters. Write the words as example:

1. basketball 2. ti _ _ r 3. Drag _ _ - Balls 4. cl _ _ k
II. Complete sentences

1. It’s a large cottage.
It’s got a large pond.

3. He likes to play c_______ . 4. We watch_______ some cartoons last night.

Good luck to you!!!

Cai Be Service of Education and Training
Doan Thi Nghiep Primary School
Grade 5
School year: 2014-2015
A/ PART I: Listening (5pts)
I. Listen and match (1 pt)
1. b; 2. a; 3. e; 4. c; 5. d
II. Listen and circle (1 pt)
1. a; 2. b; 3. b; 4. a; 5. c
III. Listen and number (1 pt)
a. 4; b. 2; c. 5; d. 1; e. 3.
IV. Listen and tick (1 pt)
1. a; 2. a; 3. c; 4. b; 5. c
V. Listen and complete (1 pt)
(2) sandcastle; (3) afternoon; (4) windmill; (5) cruise.
B/ PART I: Reading (1,5 pts)
I. Tick Yes or No
1. Yes; 2. No; 3. Yes.
II. Read the passage again and answer the questions:
1. It’s Monday.
2. He went swimming with his father.
3. No, he didn’t/ did not
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