Đề ôn thi HK I unit 1

Chia sẻ bởi Nguyễn Thị Hoài Cẩm | Ngày 10/10/2018 | 93

Chia sẻ tài liệu: Đề ôn thi HK I unit 1 thuộc CT Bộ GDĐT 5

Nội dung tài liệu:

Full name:…………………………………. English Test, Semester II-grade 4
School: …………………………………. 2016-2017
Class: ………………………………….

PART 1: LISTENING ( 20 minutes)

Question 1: Listen and tick (1pt)





Question 2. Listen and number. (1 pt)
A. /
 B. /

 C. /
 D. /

Question 3.Listen and tick True or False (1pt).
True False
1. Tom often goes for a picnic with his family in
the countryside.
2. At Tet we decorate our house and make Banh Chung. We
have a big party and watch TV.
3. It’s Sunday today. Peter and Linda go to the bookshop
because they want to buy some books.
4. My mother is 31 years old. She is a nurse and she works
in a hospital
Question4. Listen and write. (1pt)
1. Mary: Linda, what do you want to go at the weekend?
Linda: I want to go to the …………………..
Mary: Why do you want to go there?
Linda: Because I like to see a new …………….
2. Mary: Excuse me, how much is the green ……………..?
Sale assistant: It’s …………… ………………… dong.
3. Tony: Mom, it’s old now. Can you buy me a ……….. ……………..?
Mom: Ok, Let’s go to the …………………… this weekend.

4. Linda: I have a new mobile phone. It’s my birthday present from my parents.
Tom: Oh, what’s your phone number?
Linda: It’s ……………………….
Question 5: Listen to the story and write the names of animals
On Sunday children like going to the zoo. There are different animals at the zoo. Linda likes (1) ……………… very much. They can do a lot of funny things. Tom likes (2)…………… because they are big and strong. Tony like to see (3)…………… because they are very beautiful. However, children don’t like (4) …………….. and crocodiles because they look so scary.


I. Circle the odd one out. (1 pt)
1.a. Monday b. timetable c. Tuesday d. Wednesday 2.a. January b. February c. Friday d. March 3.a. rice b. vegetable c. cake d. sweet shop 4.a. music b. medicine c. art d. science
II. Select and circle the letter A, B, or C. (1 pt)
What time……………you go to school?
A. does B. do C. to
I am……………I’d like some orange juice.
A. thirsty B. hungry C. hungry and thirsty
I like monkeys because they are very ……………
A. scary B. fat C. funny
I want to eat something. Let’s go to the……………
A. zoo B.bakery C. cinema
A clerk works in an ……………………..
A. factory B. office C. in a field
III. Reorder the words to make the sentences: (1 pt)
1. teacher/ She/ at/ a/ primary/ is/ school
→ She ia a teacher at pimary school.
2. time/do/What/breakfast/have/you/?/
→ What time do you have breakfast?
3. and milk/some/you/Would/ bread/ like?
→Would you like some milk and bread?
4. I/ go/ can’t/ the/ to/ because/ cinema/ have to/ I/ do/ homework/ my
(I can’t go to the cinema because I have to do my homework.

IV. Read the passage and answer the questions (1 pt)
Hi. My name is Anna. I’m from America. In my country, hamburger is a very popular kind of food. I like eating it and drinking lemonade very much. They are my favourite food and drink. I’ve got a sister. Her name’s Annie. She doesn’t like hamburgers. She likes fish and vegetables. And
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