Đề khảo sát chất lượng

Chia sẻ bởi Nguyễn Hiệp | Ngày 26/04/2019 | 183

Chia sẻ tài liệu: Đề khảo sát chất lượng thuộc CT Bộ GDĐT 5

Nội dung tài liệu:

Bài tập 1: Chọn từ có phần gạch chân phát âm khác với các từ còn lại 1.  A. head                  B. bread              C. weather            D. clean 2.  A. meet                  B. been               C. deer                  D. between 3.  A. pen                    B. parent            C. seven                 D. children 4.  A. count                 B. enough          C. about                 D. house 5.  A. tow                    B. town               C. down                 D. flower 6.  A. near                   B. hear                C. dear                  D. wear 7.  A. book                  B. cook               C. look                   D. floor 8.  A. badly                  B. sad                 C. marry                 D. table 9.  A. nothing              B. cover              C. morning             D. done 10. A. full                    B. pull                  C. bull                    D. study  

Bài tập 2: Chọn đáp án đúng cho các câu hỏi sau đây 1. Who are all ________ people? (A) this (B) those (C) them (D) that 2. I don`t know ________ people. (A) many (B) much (C) a lot (D) few 3. We live near ________ the river. (A) of (B) from (C) by (D) - 4. He says that he must have ________. (A) the all from it (B) all it (C) the all of it (D) it all 5. John is a good worker: He works very ________. (A) hardly (B) hard (C) good (D) many 6. Let`s ________ a party! (A) do (B) have (C) set (D) make 7. The radio`s much too loud: please turn it ________. (A) out (B) low (C) up (D) down 8. - Would you like some sugar? - Yes, please, just ________.  (A) a little (B) little (C) a few (D) few 9. They say he has ________ money. (A) a lot of (B) plenty (C) lots (D) many 10. How much time do you ________ your homework? (A) make at (B) bring to (C) give for (D) spend on 11. My father is ________ man. (A) an old (B) a old (C) not young (D) not an young 12. Millions of cigarettes ________ every year. (A) is smoke (B) are smoking (C) are smoked (D) are smoke 13. Gold, as well as silver ________ in price, he said. (A) have fallen (B) has fallen (C) fall (D) are falling 14. They quarreled ________ the choice of a house. (A) on (B) over (C) for (D) to 15. Fred was a really silly boy when we were in high-school. I still remember ________ very stupid questions. (A) his asking (B) him to ask (C) asking him (D) his being asked 16. ________ I like the Rolling Stones. (A) No need to say (B) Don`t need to say (C) Needless saying (D) Needless to say 17. - Are you sorry that you didn`t take pictures?      - Yes, I regret ________ any. (A) not to take (B) that I not take (C) not taking (D) to not taken 18. If he had not given me advice, I ________ again. (A) would fail (B) would be failed (C) wouldn`t fail (D) would have failed 19. What ________ ! The rain has not stopped all day. (A) a weather (B) the weather (C) weather (D) an weather 20. - Which of the two boys is a boy scout?      - ________ of them is.  (A) All (B) None (C) Neither (D) Both

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Người chia sẻ: Nguyễn Hiệp
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