De family and friends

Chia sẻ bởi lê thị thu ngân | Ngày 10/10/2018 | 67

Chia sẻ tài liệu: de family and friends thuộc amily and Friends 5

Nội dung tài liệu:

Trường TH Quảng Thành Thứ…….ngày…….tháng……năm 201….
Họ và tên:…………………………….. Kiểm tra cuối năm
Lớp: 5A……. Môn Tiếng Anh

Nhận xét của giáo viên

PART 1: Questions 1-4: Listen and tick.

1. What’s time do you get up?

2. What do you do after school?

3. When have you got English?

4. What’s the weather like today?

PART 2 Questions 5-7. Listen and complete the sentences.
5. Our school play was on…………
6. Suzy isn’t …………. She wants to run in the fields.
7. In this picture, my aunt Lola is eating the chocolate cake. She likes ………….

PART 3 Questions 8-10. Listen and tick A, B or C.
8. ____________________________?
A. There are two men.
B. There are four people.
C. There are ten women.
9. ____________________________?
A. They are in the kitchen.
B. They were in the classroom.
C. There were some teachers.

10. ____________________________?
A. She eats cake.
B. She is happy now.
C. She is eating cake with my friends.

Name:……………………………. Class: 5A……..
READING (15 minutes – 2m)
PART 1 Questions 1-3. Read the letter carefully. Tick (() True or False. There is an example (0).
Dear Billy,
Thank you for your email. We are all very happy. I really like your green and white dress. Enjoy the party! Here is my big news. My aunt has got a new baby! It’s a girl and she is four weeks old. Her name is Rosy. She’s very small and she’s got green eyes. She hasn’t got any hair yet. She’s wearing a small hat and little white dress.
All of my family is very, very happy.
Love, from Hannah
0. Hannah likes Billy’s jeans.
1. Hannah’s aunt has got a new car.
2. The baby is a girl.
3. She’s very big and she’s got some hair.

PART 2 Questions 4-6. Read and write Joe (J) or Emily (E).
Hi! I’m Emily. I like the green and white dress. On sister’s wedding, my brother and I are helping Mum and Dad. We’re cooking and cleaning the flat together.

Hi! I’m Joe. I like wearing a yellow shirt. On sister’s wedding, I’m dancing with Mum and taking lots
of photos. My brother likes the little cakes. I like the big chocolate cake.

0. Wearing a green and white dress …E….
4. Take photos………….
5. Wearing a yellow shirt………
6. Cooking and cleaning the flat…….

PART 3 Questions 7-10. Read and fill the blanks with a word in the box.

watching children classroom English Art football

7. He is ____________ TV.

8. Look! Lots of men, women and_____________.

9. The play was in the ______________ on Thursday afternoon.

10. Today we’ve got ____________ and maths.
WRITING (15 minutes – 2m)
PART 1 Questions 1- 3. Look at the pictures and the example (0).
Example: I have a new pair of shoes. They are red and comfortable.

Now read the story. Then write ONE word into each gap for each picture.
Grandma: I can’t see you . What are you wearing?

Rosy: I’m wearing a blue (0)skirt and a red (1) _________.

Grandma: And Tom. What’s he wearing?

Rosy: He’s wearing jeans and a yellow (2) _________.

Grandma: And Mary. What’s she wearing?

Rosy: She’s wearing red trousers and black(3) _________.
Grandma: Here are they!
Rosy: Hello and welcome!
PART 2 Questions 4 – 6. Order the words.


PART 3 Questions 7 – 10. Write the answers from the box.

Yes, she is. Yes, they are. No, he can’t.
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