Các đề luyện thi

Chia sẻ bởi trần thanh mai | Ngày 10/10/2018 | 113

Chia sẻ tài liệu: Các đề luyện thi thuộc CT Bộ GDĐT 5

Nội dung tài liệu:

Ex1. Read the passage and do the tasks.
Hello. My name is Nick. I live in an apartment in New York. It is a big city. It has got a lot of buildings, people, supermarkets, stores and banks. There are often traffic jams during rush hour. It is very noisy and expensive here. But I enjoy living here because city life is exciting and interesting to me.
Hi. My name is Anna. I am Nick’s elder sister. I now live with my Australian husband in a village near Canberra, Australia. Life here is quiet. The village has not got a lot of traffic, people and shops. There are a lot of sheep on the farms. I prefer living here because it is peaceful here. The villagers are nice and friendly.
Answer the questions.
Where does Nick live?
What is New York like?
Who is Anna?
Why does she prefer living in the countryside?
Why does Nick prefer living in the city?
Who does Anna live with?
What is the village like?
Draw a line to match each word with its meanings.
Villagers a. a lot of
Many b. busy time for traffic
Rush hour c. older
Elder d. village people
Complete the chart.

New York



Ex 2. Write about the place where you live now. Give reasons why you like or do not like living there.
My name…………….
I live………………….
It has…………………
Life is………….here
I like/don’t like……………………..
Ex 3. Read the story and and answer the questions.
The mosquito and the lion.
The mosquito is very small. The lion is very big. He is the king of the jungle. The mosquito does not like the lion. It often bites the lion’s nose. The lion is very angry. He wants to bite the mosquito. But he can’t because the mosquito is so small. So the mosquito laughs: “ha ha…”. It tells the crocodile, the elephant, the monkey: “I am the winner” . Suddenly, it falls into a spider’s wed. the spider kills the mosquito and eats it, “Yummy, yummy”
What does the mosquito look like?
What animal is King of the jungle?
What animal does the mosquito often bite?
What animal kills and eats the mosquito?
What does the lion look like?
Why can’t the lion bite the mosquito?
Ex 4. Put the words in the right columns.
Swimming, aerobics, cycling, athletics, football, puzzles, roller-skating, tennis, fishing, karate, hide-and-seek, badminton, chess, ice-skating, yoga

Ex 5. Match
What’s your favourite sport? A. yes, I can. It’s my favourite sport.
What’s your favourite game? B. yes, I do
Do you often play sports? C. Twice a week.
How often do you go swimming? D. Sorry, I’m busy now. Maybe next time.
Can you play badminton? E. It’s blind man’s bluff.
Let’s do a puzzle now. F. It’s football.
Ex 6. Complete the dialogues. Use the sentences in the box.
What sport do you want to play?
What game do you often play?
Quite often. Four times a week.
What about playing chess?
A. What do you often do at break time?
B. We play games in the school playground.
A. __________________________________
B. Hide-and-seek and blind man’s bluff.
2. A. Let’s play badminton in the garden.
B. We can’t. it’s windy.
A. _________________________
B. OK. We can play it indoors.
3. A. I’d like to register at this sports club.
B. OK. ____________________________
A. Football.
B. I see. Fill in this form, please.
4. A. What’s your hobby?
B. Playing shuttlecock sport.
A. How often do you play it?
B. ___________________________
Ex 7. Read and complete.
Name, exciting, in, winner, played

Blind man’s bluff
Last weekend Mai went for a picnic with her friends. They __ different games. Mai liked blind man’s bluff best. She and her friends Nam, Phong, Nga and Quan played it ___ the playground. Mai was the seeker. She had to catch one of the players and say his and her name correctly. First, mai caught Phong, but she could not say his ___ correctly. After that, she caught Nam. She said his
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