
Chia sẻ bởi Lê Thị Hạnh | Ngày 10/10/2018 | 164

Chia sẻ tài liệu: anh thuộc CT Bộ GDĐT 5

Nội dung tài liệu:

Nguyen Trung Truc Junior High School
Class: 8A ...... (TĐ)
Full name:...............................................

Time: 15 minutes
Date: .…/.…/2016
Group leader’s signature
Principal’s signature


I. Complete the sentences, using the words or phrases in the box (4 points)
video conference - snail mail - multimedia - netiquette - holography
telepathy - landline phone - face-to-face - social media

1. Using ........................................ including Facebook, YouTube, etc. as a mean of communication has become very popular among young people.
2. ........................................ gives three-dimensional images and will be able to interact with each other in real time.
3. We should have a ........................................ this week. Kate will be able to join us from Hong Kong, and perhaps Tim England too.
4. ........................................ is a phone that uses a telephone line for transmission.
5. Everyone needs to learn ………………………..when we communicate online.
6. ........................................ uses a tiny device placed into our head to communicate by thought over the network.
7. In the year 2050, we will be using …........................................….meeting because they will sometimes be preferable to online meetings.
8. ........................................ has become less popular today, in comparison to email. II. Complete the following sentences (3 points)
a. Complete some examples of body language
1. You ........................................ at your watch. It means ‘Sorry, I need to go now’
2. You give a big smile. It means ‘I’m ........................................’
b. Decode the following sentences
3. Where r u? We r @ Lotte on 2/F. ........................................
c. Complete the sentences using the cues provided
4. Communicating without the use of oral or written language is called n................................ c........................................
5. Smiling and frowning are examples of f................................. e......................................
6. Communication breakdown may happen due to c...........................d..............................
III. Complete each sentences with the correct form of the verb in brackets (3 points)
1. Phuc enjoyed (chat) .................................... on the phone with her friends.
2. He has decided (go) .................................... to work in a school in a quite remote area.
3. We’ll need (call) .....................................him more often.
4. She dislikes (communicate) .....................................through message board or online meetings.
5. I tried (explain) to him, but he didn’t understand
6. Which TV programme (you, watch) ........................................ at 9 p.m. tomorrow?

Nguyen Trung Truc Junior High School
Class: 8A ...... (TĐ)
Full name:...............................................

Time: 15 minutes
Date: .…/.…/2016
Group leader’s signature
Principal’s signature


I. Complete the sentences, using the words or phrases in the box (4 points)
netiquette - video chatting - multimedia - holography - message board
face-to-face - telepathy - sending letters - smart phone

1. ........................................ is an online discussion group in which you can leave messages or post questions.
2. Our group has worked online the whole time! Now let’s meet.........................................
3. ........................................ is a device with a touchscreen with functions similar to a computer, a digital camera, and a GPS device, in addition to a phone
4. If you want to write to a friend in another country, emailing is a faster and cheaper way than........................................
5. ........................................ is multiple forms of communication on a computer including sounds, videos, video-conferencing, graphics, and texts.
6. Using ........................................ is a way to communicate instantly by thought.
7. In the future, maybe voice calls will disappear. We will use ........................................ to talk to and see a friend at the same time.
8. ........................................ is a set of rules for behaving properly online.
II. Complete the following sentences (3 points)
a. Complete some examples of body language
1. You ........................................ your shoulders. It means ‘I don’t know’
2. Your hands are on your hips. It means ‘I’m ........................................’
b. Decode the following sentences
3. Wanna c a movie this wkd? ...................................................................
c. Complete the sentences using the cues provided
4. Communicating by expressing your thoughts with words is called
v........................................ c........................................
5. Smiling and frowning are examples of f................................e..................................
6. Communication breakdown may happen due to l...........................b.........................
III. Complete each sentences with the correct form of the verb in brackets (3 points)
1. They didn’t mind (work) ....................................late to complete the task.
2. He intends (stay) ........................................ there for at least three years.
3. We plan (have) ....................................a picnic this Sunday. Would you like to join us?
4. I’ll need (take) ....................................the bus to
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Người chia sẻ: Lê Thị Hạnh
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