
Chia sẻ bởi Trương Ngọc Đức | Ngày 16/10/2018 | 43

Chia sẻ tài liệu: yeu thuộc Hình học 7

Nội dung tài liệu:

Present continuous (I am doing)

A. Study this example situation:

Ann is in her car. She is on her way to work.
She is driving to work.

This means: She is driving now, at the time of speaking.

This is the present continuous tense:

I am (= I`m)
he/she/(it) is (= he`s, etc.) driving
we/they/you are (= we`re, etc.)

We use the present continuous when we talk about something that is happening at the time of speaking:
Please don`t make so much noise. I`m studying, (not I study)
"Where is Peggy?" "She`s taking a bath." {not she takes)
Let`s go out now. It isn`t raining anymore.
(at a party) Hello, Ann. Are you enjoying the party? (not do you enjoy)
B. We also use the present continuous when we talk about something that is happening around the time of speaking, but not necessarily exactly at the time of speaking. Study this example situation:
■ Tom and Ann are talking and having coffee in a cafe. Tom says: "I`m reading an interesting book at the moment. I`ll lend it to you when I`ve finished it."
Tom is not reading the book at the time of speaking. He means that he has begun the book and hasn`t finished it yet. He is in the middle of reading it. Here are some more examples:
■ Maria is studying English at a language school, (not studies)
■ Have you heard about Brian? He is building his own house, (not builds) But perhaps Maria and Brian are not doing these things exactly at the time of speaking.
C. We often use the present continuous when we talk about a period around the present. For example: today, this week, this season, etc.:
■ "You`re working hard today." "Yes, I have a lot to do."
■ Tom isn`t playing football this season. He wants to concentrate on his studies.
D. We use the present continuous when we talk about changing situations:
The population of the world is rising very fast, (not rises)
Is your English getting better? (not does. .. get)

UNIT 1 Exercises
1.1 Put the verb into the correct form.
Examples: Please don`t make so much noise. studying (study).
Let`s go out now. It isn’t raining. (not/rain) anymore.
Listen to those people. What language .are they speaking... (they/speak)?
Please be quiet. I am trying (try) to concentrate.
Look! It is snow (snow).
Why are you looking (you/look) at me like that? Did I say something wrong?
You`re making (make) a lot of noise. Can you be a little bit quieter?
Excuse me, I am not loking (look) for a phone booth. Is there one near here?
{at the movies) It`s a good movie, isn`t it?you are enjoying (you/enjoy) it?
Listen! Can you hear those people next door? They are yelling (yell) at each other again.
Why are you wearing (you/wear) your coat today? It`s very warm.
I am not working (not/work) this week. I`m on vacation.
10. I want to lose weight. I am not eating (not/eat) anything today.

1.2 Complete these sentences using one of these verbs:
get become change rise improve fall increase
You don`t have to use all the verbs and you can use some of them more than once. Example: The population of the world rising. very fast.
The number of people without jobs is increasing at the moment.
He is still sick, but he is geting better slowly.
These days food is rising more and more expensive.
The world is changing Things never stay the same.
The cost of living is becoming Every year things are more expensive.
George has gone to work in Spain. At first, his Spanish wasn`t very good, but now it is improving
The economic situation is already very bad, and it is falling worse.
1.3 Read this conversation between Brian and Steve. Put each verb into the correct form.
Brian and Steve meet in a restaurant.
Brian: Hello, Steve. I haven`t seen you for ages. What (1) .are you doing (you/do)
these days?
Steve: I (2) `m working (work) in
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