Unit 8. Family weekend activities

Chia sẻ bởi Lâm Chơn | Ngày 12/10/2018 | 89

Chia sẻ tài liệu: Unit 8. Family weekend activities thuộc Let's Learn 5

Nội dung tài liệu:

Lao Bao No.2 Primary School
Teacher: Lâm Chơn
Huong Hoa Education & Training Department
* Warm up:
* Vocabulary and M.S of Unit 7.
Thursday, January 21st 2010
Unit 8:
Lesson 1:
Family Weekend Activities
A. 1, 2, 3
Thursday, January 21st 2010
1. Look, listen and repeat:A.1 - P.66
Unit 8:
Lesson 1:
A. 1, 2, 3
Family Weekend Activities
Li Li:
Where were you last weekend?
I was at home.
What did you do?
(Bạn đã ở đâu vào cuối tuần vừa rồi?)
(Mình ở nhà.)
(Bạn đã làm gì vậy?)
I read Harry Potter all day.
(Mình đọc truyện Harry Potter cả ngày.)
Li Li:
Li Li:
Mai :
What was it like?
(Truyện như thế nào?)
Mai :
It was very interesting.
(Rất thú vị.)
* Model Sentences:
* Hỏi và trả lời về những sự việc xảy ra trong quá khứ:
S.2: I read [Harry Potter].
S.1: What did you do last [Sunday]?
Unit 8:
Lesson 1:
A. 1, 2, 3
(Bạn đã làm gì vào chủ nhật vừa rồi?)
(Mình đọc truyện Harry Potter.)
Family Weekend Activities
2. Look and say: A.2 - P.67
Unit 8:
Lesson 1:
A. 1, 2, 3
went to the cinema
listened to music
wrote a letter
played football
Family Weekend Activities
2. Look and say: A.2 - P.67
Unit 8:
Lesson 1:
A. 1, 2, 3
went to the cinema
Family Weekend Activities
What did you do last weekend?
I .................. .
2. Look and say: A.2 - P.67
Unit 8:
Lesson 1:
A. 1, 2, 3
wrote a letter
Family Weekend Activities
What did you do last weekend?
I .................. .
2. Look and say: A.2 - P.67
Unit 8:
Lesson 1:
A. 1, 2, 3
listened to music
Family Weekend Activities
I .................. .
What did you do last weekend?
2. Look and say: A.2 - P.67
Unit 8:
Lesson 1:
A. 1, 2, 3
played football
Family Weekend Activities
I .................. .
What did you do last weekend?
2. Look and say: A.2 - P.67
Unit 8:
Lesson 1:
A. 1, 2, 3
went to the cinema
listened to music
wrote a letter
played football
Family Weekend Activities
What did you do last weekend?
I .................. .
3. Let’s talk: A.3 – P.67
I ............... .
What did you do ................?
Unit 8:
Family Weekend Activities
Lesson 1:
A. 1, 2, 3
* Learn the lesson by heart.
* Do the exercise 1, 2, 3 on P.57, 58 - Workbook.
* Prepare “Unit 8.Lesson 2. A.4, 5, 6 ”
Thank you !
Bye! See you later.
* Một số tài liệu cũ có thể bị lỗi font khi hiển thị do dùng bộ mã không phải Unikey ...

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