Unit 6. The school festival

Chia sẻ bởi Vũ Mạnh Hà | Ngày 12/10/2018 | 99

Chia sẻ tài liệu: Unit 6. The school festival thuộc Let's Learn 5

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Unit 6 The School Festival
Section A
Sports and games
Play football
Play chess
Play badminton
Play tennis
Go swimming
Play hide-and-seek
Play marbles
Play blindman’s bluff
Play baseball
Play with a yo-yo
Jump rope
Play skipping rope
Do a crossword
Do puzzles
School Festival : Lễ hội trường
Song Festival : Liên hoan văn nghệ
School Games: Hội thi thể thao của trường
English festival : Hội thi hùng biện Tiếng Anh.
Yesterday: ngày hôm qua
Yesterday morning: sáng hôm qua
Last week : Tuần trước
Last month : Tháng trước
Last year : Năm ngoái
Last Sunday : Chủ nhật tuần trước
Last summer : Mùa hè năm ngoái
In June: vào tháng 6 (vừa rồi)
1. Look, listen and repeat
Where were you yesterday?
How many people were there?
I was at the School Festival.
There were many.
How was the Festival ?
It was great.
1. Look, listen and repeat
Model sentences: Mẫu câu hỏi và trả lời ai đó đã ở đâu tại một thời điểm xác định trong quá khứ.
Where were you yesterday?
yesterday morning?
I was at the School Festival.
at home.
1. Look, listen and repeat
Model sentences: Mẫu câu hỏi và trả lời ai đó đã ở đâu tại một thời điểm xác định trong quá khứ.
I / He / She / It + was
We / You / They + were
Eg: I was at home yesterday.
We were at school yesterday.
1. Look, listen and repeat
Model sentences: Mẫu câu hỏi và trả lời ai đó đã ở đâu tại một thời điểm xác định trong quá khứ.
I / He / She / It + was not (wasn’t)
We / You / They + were not (weren’t)
Eg: Mai wasn’t at home yesterday.
They weren’t at school yesterday.
1. Look, listen and repeat
Was + I / He / She / It … ?
Were + we / you / they … ?
Yes, I / he / she / it + was.
we / you / they + were.
No, I / he / she / it + wasn’t.
we / you / they + weren’t.
Eg: Were you at school yesterday?
Yes, I was
Where were you yesterday ?
I was at _____.
2. Look and say
School games
Where were you yesterday ?
I was at _____.
2. Look and say
School Festival
Where were you yesterday ?
I was at _____.
2. Look and say
Song Festival
School Festival
English Festival
Where were you last month ?
I was at ______
3. Let’s talk
Last week
Last Sunday
Last summer
Last summer
4. Listen and number
Where were you yesterday?
I was at the Song Festival.
There was Teacher’s Day at my school last week.
There were many people at the School Games last month.
We were at the English Festival in June.
5. Say it right
6. Let’s write
Your mother
Your father
Your brother
Your sister

Yesterday morning
Last night
Last week
Last weekend
Last month
Last Sunday
Last year
Last summer
An hour ago
Two day ago
At home
At work
At the School Festival
At the School Games
At the English Festival
At the Song Festival
On holiday
At school
At my grandparents’ house.
At a wedding party
At my friend’s birthday party
At the Teachers’ Day
At the spa
Now/ At the moment; Every day
I am at home now
In the past

I was at home yesterday.
We are at the School Games now.
We were at the School Games last week.
We are singing at the moment.
I play badminton every day.
We sang at the Song Festival last week
I played badminton yesterday
Unit 6 The School Festival
Section B
1. Listen and repeat
We had the Song Festival last week.
We sang and danced
What did you do at the Festival?
Did you enjoy it?
Yes, we did. It was interesting.
1. Listen and repeat
Model sentences: Mẫu câu hỏi và trả lời về các hoạt động đã diễn ra.
What did you do at the Festival?
We sang and danced.
We played badminton.
I drew a picture.
1. Listen and repeat
Model sentences: Mẫu câu hỏi và trả lời về các hoạt động đã diễn ra.
Did you sing songs at the Festival ?
draw a picture at the Festival?
play games at the Festival ?
Yes, I/ we did.
No, I/ we didn’t.
Play  played
Dance  danced
Enjoy  enjoyed
Listen  listened
Visit  visited
Skip  skipped
Cook  cooked
Clean  cleaned
Watch  watched
Talk  talked
Have  had
Sing  sang
Draw  drew
Tell  told
Drink  drank
Eat  ate
Write  wrote
Read  read
Do  did
Go  went
Hãy viết dạng quá khứ của các động từ sau
Play 
Dance 
Enjoy 
Listen 
Visit 
Skip 
Cook 
Clean 
Watch 
Talk 
Have 
Sing 
Draw 
Tell 
Drink 
Eat 
Write 
Read 
Do 
Go 
Cách phát âm động từ có đuôi -ed
What did you do at the Festival ?
I danced
2. Let’s talk
What did you do at the Festival ?
We played badminton
2. Let’s talk
What did you do at the Festival ?
I played football.
3. Listen and check
We had a School Festival last weekend.
The Festival was in the schoolyard.
There were many students.
The students played sports.
3. Listen and check
Where were you yesterday?
I was at our School Festival
Where was it?
It was in the schoolyard.
Were there many students?
Yes, there were a lot.
What did you do?
We sang and played games.
4. Read and answer
Celebrations: Hoạt động nhân dịp lễ kỉ niệm
Schoolyard: sân trường
A lot (of) = many: nhiều
Exciting: hứng thú, lý thú, hồi hộp
When: Khi nào  last week
They had the celebrations last week.
Where: Ở đâu  in the schoolyard
The celebrations were in the schoolyard.
Who : ai  teachers and students
There were a lot of teachers and students.
What … do? Đã làm gì  Hoạt động
Many students sang and danced. Some told funny stories. Some played exciting games
5. Let’s write
What was the festival?
When did you have the celebrations?
Where were the celebrations?
Who was there?
What did you do?
Exercises: Chọn câu đúng
1. A.Where are you yesterday?
B. Where were you yesterday?
2. A. I was at the Song Festival last week.
B. I were at the Song Festival last week
3. A. There were many people at the School Games last month.
B. There are many people at the School Games last month.
Exercises: Chọn câu đúng
4. A. When you had the celebrations?
B. When did you have the celebrations?
5. A. Where were the celebrations?
B. Where was the celebrations?
6. A. What you did at the Festival?
B. What did you do at the Festival?
Exercises: Chọn câu đúng
7. A. We was at the English Festival in June.
B. We were at the English Festival in June.
8. A. We danced and sing at the Festival.
B. We danced and sang at the Festival.
9. A. Nga had a party last Sunday.
B. Nga has a party last Sunday.
Exercises: Chọn câu đúng
10. A. We were the Song Festival last week.
B. We had the Song Festival last week.
11. A. I played badminton at the School Games.
B. I play badminton at the School Games.
12. A. I am at a wedding last Sunday.
B. I was at a wedding last Sunday.
Add -ing to these verbs
1. climb  climbing
2. swim
3. cut
4. cook
5. ride
6. run
7. work
8. fly
9. dance
10. write
11. play
12. drive
13. skip
14. walk
15. have
16. take
17. go
18. travel
19. lie
20. get
Add -ing to these verbs
21. draw
22. read
23. watch
24. do
25. sit
26. sing
27. drink
28. listen
29. wait
30. rain
31. come
32. teach
33. learn
34. clean
35. help
36. wash
37. shine
38. speak
39. give
40. make
Fill in am / is / are
1. He ______ eating a banana.
2. It ______ flying
3. I ______ reading
4. They ______ dancing
5. She ______ cooking
Fill in am / is / are
6. We ______ walking.
7. The children ______ playing chess.
8. My brother and I ______ watching a cartoon.
9. The sun ______ shining.
10. You and your sister ______ singing.
Put the verbs in brackets in Present Continuous tense.
1. Eddie (read) a newspaper.
2. Jane (take) a photo.
3. Martin and Sue (swim) in the sea.
4. Ken and Sophie (sit) at the bar.
5. Ken (talk) to Sophie.
Put the verbs in brackets in Present Continuous tense.
6. Sophie (drink) a glass of lemonade.
7. Colleen and Mark (sunbathe). They (wear) sunglasses.
8. Teddy and Elton (play) football.
9. Terry (eat) a sandwich.
10. Elvira (build) a sandcastle.
Put the verbs in brackets in Present Continuous tense.
11. Colleen and Mark (not/ lie) under a beach umbrella.
12. Eddie (not/ wear) sunglasses.
13. Brad (not/ swim) in the sea.
14. Martin and Sue (not/ play) football.
15. Jane (not/ take) a photo of Ken and Sophie.
Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb.
It is Sunday morning and the family is on the beach. Mrs. Fairfax (1. sleep) under a sun-umbrella. Mr. Fairfax (2. read) a book. Their two daughters (3. swim) in the sea. Their son (4. play) with a ball.
Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb.
It is noon and the family is on the beach. Look! The two girls (5. run) towards the boy. Mrs. Fairfax (6. call) them. Mr. Fairfax (7. drink) some Coke and he (8. read) a book.
Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb.
It is Sunday afternoon and their picnic bữa ăn ngoài trời is ready sẵn sàng. They (9. enjoy) vui thích their picnic. They (10. eat) sandwiches. John (11. not/ eat) his sandwich. He (12. feed) the birds. They (13. have) a wonderful day.
Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb.
It’s seven o’clock on Monday morning. The family is in the kitchen. Mr. and Mrs. West (14. drink) coffee. Grandfather (15. read) a newspaper. Joe (16. go) to school. The cat and the dog (17. eat).
It’s five o’clock on Monday afternoon and the family is in the living room. Mr. West (18. watch) TV. Mrs. West (19. talk) on the phone. Joe (20. do) his homework. The cat and the dog (21. sleep).
It’s 10 o’clock on Sunday morning. The family is in the garden. Mr. and Mrs. West (22. sit) in the sun. Joe and David (23. play) football.
* Một số tài liệu cũ có thể bị lỗi font khi hiển thị do dùng bộ mã không phải Unikey ...

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