Unit 6. Let’s move
Chia sẻ bởi Hồ Văn Hiếu |
Ngày 10/05/2019 |
Chia sẻ tài liệu: Unit 6. Let’s move thuộc Let's go 3
Nội dung tài liệu:
Let’s Go 1B
Unit 6:
Week 15:
Period: 29
Unit 6:
Friday, November 25th , 2010
Week 15:
Period: 29
New words
climb a tree:
Trèo cây
New words
play baseball:
Chơi bóng chày
read a book:
đọc sách
New words
New words
climb a tree:
play baseball:
read a book:
đọc sách
chơi bóng chày
trèo cây
Can he climb a tree?
Yes, he can.
No, he can not.
Note: can not = can’t
climb a tree
Can he climb a tree?
Yes, he can
play baseball
Can he play baseball?
Yes, he can
read a book
Can he read a book ?
Yes, he can.
Can you play with a yo-yo ?
Yes, I can.
No, I can’t.
Hit a ball
Throw a ball
Jump rope
Play with a yo-yo
Do a puzzle
- Learn new words
- Prepare the next lesson unit 6( cont ) Let’s Move
Let’s Go 1B
Unit 6:
Week 15:
Period: 29
Unit 6:
Friday, November 25th , 2010
Week 15:
Period: 29
New words
climb a tree:
Trèo cây
New words
play baseball:
Chơi bóng chày
read a book:
đọc sách
New words
New words
climb a tree:
play baseball:
read a book:
đọc sách
chơi bóng chày
trèo cây
Can he climb a tree?
Yes, he can.
No, he can not.
Note: can not = can’t
climb a tree
Can he climb a tree?
Yes, he can
play baseball
Can he play baseball?
Yes, he can
read a book
Can he read a book ?
Yes, he can.
Can you play with a yo-yo ?
Yes, I can.
No, I can’t.
Hit a ball
Throw a ball
Jump rope
Play with a yo-yo
Do a puzzle
- Learn new words
- Prepare the next lesson unit 6( cont ) Let’s Move
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Người chia sẻ: Hồ Văn Hiếu
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