Unit 6. Let’s learn

Chia sẻ bởi Nguyễn Thu Thuỷ | Ngày 12/10/2018 | 69

Chia sẻ tài liệu: Unit 6. Let’s learn thuộc Let's go 5

Nội dung tài liệu:

welcome to
our English lesson !
taxi driver
police officer

Reorder those letters to make a word
Thứ 2 ngày 9 tháng 11 năm 2009
TiÕng anh
Lesson 24: Let’s learn

* Choose the best answer:

Who ….. she?
a/ is b/ are c/ am
2. Is he a …………. ?
a/ teachers b/ teacher c/ teachor
Who is he? - …….. is a farmer.
a/ he b/ she c/ it
4. Is she a cook? – No, she ………..
a/ is b/ isn’t c/ not
5. ……. is he?
a/ Who b/ What c/ Where

+/ Is he/ she a nurse ?
Yes, he/ she is.
No, he/ she isn’t.
B. Open your book
+/ He is a cook.
She is a cook.
Thứ 2 ngày 9 tháng 11 năm 2009
TiÕng anh
Lesson 24: Let’s learn

A. Presentation
+/ He is a cook.
She is a cook.
+/ Is he/ she a nurse?
Yes, he/ she is.
No, he/ she isn’t.
b. Open your book
a nurse
a teacher
a taxi driver
He is a farmer.
She is a shopkeeper.
Thứ 2 ngày 9 tháng 11 năm 2009
TiÕng anh
Lesson 24: Let’s learn

A. Presentation
+/ He is a cook.
She is a cook.
+/ Is he/ she a nurse ?
Yes, he/ she is.
No, he/ she isn’t.
b. Open your book

c. extension
Yes, she is.
No, he isn’t.
Is he
Yes, he is.
Is she
Yes, she is.
c o o k
N u r s e
T e a c h e r
T a x i-d r i v e r
F a r m e r
S h o p k e e p e r
S t u d e n t
P o l i c e-o f f i c e r
Thứ 2 ngày 9 tháng 11 năm 2009
TiÕng anh
Lesson 24: Let’s learn

A. Presentation
+/ He is a cook.
She is a cook.
+/ Is he/ she a nurse ?
Yes, he/ she is.
No, he/ she isn’t.
b. Open your book

c. Extension

d. Consolidation

Goodbye !
* Một số tài liệu cũ có thể bị lỗi font khi hiển thị do dùng bộ mã không phải Unikey ...

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