Unit 6. Let’s learn

Chia sẻ bởi Trần Thị Thúy Hằng | Ngày 12/10/2018 | 55

Chia sẻ tài liệu: Unit 6. Let’s learn thuộc Let's go 5

Nội dung tài liệu:

welcome Teachers to our English lesson !
Class : 5/1
a salad
an egg
a sandwich
a hamburger
a cookie
a banana
an orange
a hot dog
What does he want?
He wants an egg.
What does she want?
She wants an orange.
*Check the old lesson :
Look at the picture, ask and answer the question about the third person with “What”
Friday, September 20th , 2013
UNIT 5: Let’s Learn (Cont.)
Yes or No
Does he want a salad ?
No, he doesn’t.
Does he want a hot dog?
Yes, he does.
Friday, September 27th , 2013
UNIT 5: Let’s Learn (Cont.)
Yes or No
Does she want an orange ?
Yes, she does.
Does she want an sandwich ?
No, she doesn’t.
Does he want a salad ?
Yes, he does.
No, he doesn’t.
Does she want a salad ?
Yes, she does.
No, she doesn’t.
does not = doesn’t
Muốn hỏi một người ở ngôi thứ ba số ít (nam hay nữ) muốn món… phải không ?
* Nam :
Does + he + want + a/an + noun (món ăn- số ít) ?
* Grammar :
-> Yes, he does. (phải)
Hoặc -> No, he doesn’t. ( không)
* Nữ :
Does + she + want + a/an + noun (món ăn- số ít) ?
->Yes, she does. (phải)
Hoặc -> No, she doesn’t. ( không)
*Notes :
doesnot = doesn’t
*Practice in pairs :
Look at the picture, ask and answer the question about the third person in pairs:
Does she want a salad?
No, she doesn’t.
Yes, she does.
Does she want a hot dog ?
Yes, he does.
Does he want a cookie ?
No,he doesn’t.
Does he want an egg?
Does he want a sanwich?
No, he doesn’t.
Yes,he does.
Does he want a hamburger?
Does she want an orange ?
Yes, she does.
Does she want a banana?
No, she doesn’t.
What about you?
I want……
Thanks for your attending .
Goodbye !
See you next later.
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