Unit 8: Future life

Chia sẻ bởi Thùy Dung | Ngày 19/03/2024 | 28

Chia sẻ tài liệu: Unit 8: Future life thuộc Tiếng anh 12

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Unit 8 :
Booth  (n) /bu:ð/ a small temporary tent used for selling goods
Aim (n/v) /eim/ a purpose or intention
→ Aimless (adj)
mục đích, mục tiêu
phòng điện thoại công cộng (quán, rạp, lều)
Cohabit (v) /kəʊ’habɪt/ live together and without being married
sống chung như vợ chồng
→ Cohabitant (n) người ăn ở chung
→ Cohabitation (n)
Complexion (n) /kəm’plɛkʃ(ə)n/ the colour’s skin
nước da

→ Complex (Adj) : phức tạp, rắc rối
→ Complexity (n) : sự phức tạp, rắc rối
không có mục đích
Pursue (v) /pə’sju/ follow or chase (sb or sth)

→ Pursuer (Noun) : người theo đuổi
Crisis  (n) /’krʌɪsɪs/ (Plural) a time of intense difficulty or danger :
Interact (v)  /ɪntər’akt/ act in such a way as to have an effect on each other:
→ Interaction (n) : sự tác động qua lại, ảnh hưởng lẫn nhau
→ Interactional (Adj) : chịu tác động của nhau
→ Interactive (Adj)
Embryo (n)  /`ɛmbrɪəʊ/ (Plural) an unborn or unhatched offspring in the process of development :
→ Embryonal (Adj) : thuộc phôi
cuộc khủng hoảng
tác động qua lại, ảnh hưởng lẫn nhau
tiếp tục, theo đuổi
Kneel (v)  /ni:l/ be in or assume a position in which the body is supported by a knee or the knees:
quỳ gối, quỳ xuống
→ Kneel - knelt - knelt
Tuition (n)  /tju:`ɪʃ(ə)n/ teaching or instruction
sự giảng dạy, hướng dẫn
→ Tuitional (Adj)
Propose (v)  /prə`pəʊz/
+ make an offer of marriage to someone : cầu hôn
→ Proposal (n) : lời cầu hôn
+ intend : đề nghị, dự định
→ Proposition (n) : sự đề nghị, sự xác nhận
→ Propositional (Adj) : có tính chất đề nghị, đề xuất
Strike (v)  /strʌɪk/ indicate the time by sounding a chime
(đồng hồ) đổ, điểm
→ Striking (Adj) : nổi bật, gây ấn tượng sâu sắc
→ Strikingness (n) : có tính chất nổi bật, có khả năng gây ấn tượng,…
Stable (Adj)  /`steɪb(ə)l/ not fluctuating or changing
ổn định
→ Unstable (Adj) : không ổn định

Match the paragraphs (A,B,C or D) with the headings.One heading will not be used.

Energy Crisis
An Ecological School
A Modern School
Advances in Medicine

Paragraph A
Paragraph B
Paragraph C
Paragraph D
2. Find the words in the text having the following meanings.
Live together without being married
Known all over the world
Try to chieve something over a period of time
Living things that are not fully developed yet
Not harming the environment

Pretty and attractive
Profession or occupation
In spite of
3. Answer the questions.
Why did Phil and Carol decide to cohabit ? When did that happen ?
How old were they when they started cohabiting ? How old are they now ?
What do they decide now ?
Where will they have to go to if they want to have a child ?
Who is Chris ?
Describe the school Chris will attend (its working hours, facilities, teachers, tuition fees, …).
Why is life in 2050 not easier then it was 50 years
ago ?
4. Work in groups. Discuss whether you like
to study in the modern, environment-friendly
school mentioned in the clip

Interrupting Politely and
Returning to the Topic
Work in pairs. Practice the following dialogue (page 102)
Work in pairs. Play the roles of a futurologist and a student.

Interrupting Politely
Sorry to interrupt, but …
Excuse me for interrupting, but …
Can I say something here?
Can I add something?
Can I ask a question?
May I ask something?
Returning to the topic
Anyway, …
Let’s get back to what we are saying …
Where was I? Well, …
The following useful expressions may help you:
c) Choose a topic of your interest and prepare a two-minute talk. Then work in groups to present your talk. Other students will make polite interruptions to ask for clarification or explanation.
As you can see, the hyphen (or lack of it) makes a big difference in the meaning of the sentence.
Noun + Adjective
*We put a hyphen between the two words to make it a compound adjective.
Ex: She is a world-famous 
This is a smoke-free 
-A compound adjective is an adj that contains two or more words.
-To act as a single idea (adj) that describes sth.
I saw a man-eating alligator.
 Describing the alligator that eats men (or people).
I saw a man eating alligator. 
 This sentence without the hyphen sounds like a man is eating an alligator. 

Compound Adjective

1.Make up compound adjectives by matching the words in column A with those in column B
2. Complete these sentences with the
compound adjectives you have found in a).
A cooperative program between China and Germany on building Yangzhou, a famous ancient city, into a(n) ______________city has proceeded smoothly since it started in September last year.
The river is just _________ in the dry season.
The fishermen worried looked at the ____________sky, a bad omen of a coming storm.
Patients of heart diseases are advised to choose
_____________ foods.
There’s no medical treatment for _____________people, so they should take up some kinds of pastimes to keep themselves busy all the time.
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