Unit 7: My favourite sports and games

Chia sẻ bởi Lê Viết Phú | Ngày 12/10/2018 | 53

Chia sẻ tài liệu: Unit 7: My favourite sports and games thuộc Tiếng Anh 5 (Thí điểm)

Nội dung tài liệu:

Teacher: Le Viet Phu
Tom and Quan are talking about their favourite sports and games.
A: What’s your favorite sport?
B: It’s rollerskating.
A: What’s your favorite sport?
B: It’s karate.
A: What’s your favorite sport?
B: It’s swimming
A: What’s your favorite sport?
B: It’s basketball.
A: What’s your favorite sport?
B: It’s shuttlecock sport.

1. You are going to hear four dialogues. The children in these dialogues are talking about games and sports.
Boy: Let’s do a puzzle.
Girl : I don’t like puzzles.
Boy : What do you want to do then?
Girl : How about playing table-tennis?
Boy : It’s all right. Let’s play it.

2. Girl : What do you do in your free time?
Boy : Many different things, but I like playing games.
Girl : What game do you like?
Boy : Farm town, a computer game.
 Listen and tick.
3.Girl : Do you like games?
Boy : Yes, I do. I play a lot of games.
Girl : What’s your favorite one?
Boy : Hide-and-seek. It’s an exciting game.

4.Girl : What are they playing?
Boy : Shuttlecock sport.
Girl : Is it a popular game in your country?
Boy : Yes. Very popular for boys in Vietnam.
 Listen and tick.
 Listen and read together.
In summer
I like to rollerskate
In the park
With Kate
Until late.
At night.
in autumn
I like to play chess
With Tees
In the same park.
And I always
Win the game.
 Group and say aloud.
 Listen and number.
1. You are going to hear six dialogues. The speakers in these dialogues are talking about their favorite sports and games.
Boy : Do you like sport, Hoa?
Girl : No, I don’t. I like games.
Boy : What’s your favorite game?
Girl : Hide-and-seek.

2.Boy : What’s on TV now, Daddy?
Man : An international football match.
Boy : Football is my favorite sport. Can I join you?
Man : Sure, dear.
 Listen and number.
3. Boy 1: Look. Phong and Nam are playing shuttlecock sport. Let’s join them.
Boy 2: Ok. It’s my favorite game.
4. Girl : What game are you playing?
Boy : Farm town. It’s a new computer game.
Girl : Is it interesting?
Boy : Yes, it is. I like it very much.
5.Boy: Hurrah! The class is over. How about playing badminton?
Girl : It’s a great idea! Where will we play?
Boy : Let’s play in the playground.
 Listen and number.
6.Girl: Are you going to the chess competition tomorrow ?
Boy: Yes, of course. I am one of the competitors.
Girl: I’ll be your supporter.
Boy: Thank you. Please come.
Tom is doing a class survey on favorite sports and games.
A: How often do you play blind man’s bluff?
B: Sometimes.
 Point, ask and answer.
 Point, ask and answer.
A: How often do you do karate?
B: often.
 Point, ask and answer.
A: How often do you rollerskate?
B: Four times a week.
 Point, ask and answer.
A: How often do you play basketball?
B: Twice a week.
 Read and do the task.
 Read and do the task. (Vocabulary)
look for:
one by one:
trong nhà
ngoài trời
người đi tìm, người bắt
trong lúc
tìm kiếm
hết người này đến người khác
Tìm, tìm thấy
 Read and do the task.
Hide-and-seek is an exciting game. Boys and girls can play it indoors or outdoors. However, they prefer playing outdoors. Four or more children play the game together. First, one child is the seeker. The seeker closes his or her eyes and counts from five to one hundred in this way: five, ten, fifteen, twenty, and so on. Meanwhile, the other children look for places to hide. When the seeker finishes counting, he or she starts looking for the other children one by one. The seeker wins when he or she finds all of the children.
 Read the passage and do the task.
Children prefer playing hide-and-seek indoors.
2. Four or more boys and girls can play the game.
The seeker closes his / her eyes.
4. Other children count from five to one hundred.
5. The seeker wins if he / she finds some of the children.
1. Tick Yes or No.
Yes No

The seeker counts
 Read the passage and do the task.
2. Read the passage again. Find the words which "they", "his / her" and "he / she" refer to.
They :
His / her:
He / she:
boys and girls
the seeker’s
the seeker
- Hide-and-seek is a popular game in our country.
- Boys and girls can (1)______it indoors or outdoors, (do / play / go)
- First, one boy or girl is a (2)___. (player/seeker/dancer)
- The seeker counts from (3) _______to one hundred, (ten / fifteen / five)
- The other children look for (4) ______to hide, (gardens / houses / places)
- If the seeker finds all of the (5) ______, he or she wins, (teachers / drivers / players)
 Choose the right words to write.
 Fun time
One of you does actions to indicate your favorite sport or game. The class will guess what it is.
Bye bye!
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