Unit 6: How many lesson do you have today? Lesson 1

Chia sẻ bởi Trần Đức Phú | Ngày 12/10/2018 | 44

Chia sẻ tài liệu: Unit 6: How many lesson do you have today? Lesson 1 thuộc Tiếng Anh 5 (Thí điểm)

Nội dung tài liệu:

B Hoa Khanh Primary School
Welcome to our class
Teacher: Trần Đức Phú
Warm up.
Unit 6:

How many lessons do you have today?
Lesson 1
1.Look,listen and repeat.

Thursday, October 6th 2016
Sentence pattern :
1) Meaning: B?n cú bao nhiờu ti?t h?c hụm nay?
2) Usage: Dựng d? h?i b?n mỡnh cú bao nhiờu ti?t h?c hụm nay.
How many lessons do you have today ?
I have four: Maths, Vietnamese, Music and PE
2.Point and say.

How many lessons do you have today ?
I have_______________________
3. Let’s talk
Ask and answer questions about the lessons you have today.
How many lessons do you have today ?
I have__________
What lessons do you have today ?
I have__________
Lucky numbers
Lucky number !
How many lessons do you have today?
I have _________________________________
four: Maths, English, Music and Science.
How many lessons do you have today?
I have _______________________________
three: Maths, English and Vietnamese.
What lessons do you have today?
I have ____________________________________
Maths, Vietnamese, Music, Art and Science.
Learn by heart the sentence pattern.
Practice the sentence at home
Prepare next lesson Unit 6: lesson 2
Thanks for your attendance.
Good bye!
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