Unit 5: Our hobbies

Chia sẻ bởi Lê Viết Phú | Ngày 12/10/2018 | 45

Chia sẻ tài liệu: Unit 5: Our hobbies thuộc Tiếng Anh 5 (Thí điểm)

Nội dung tài liệu:

Teacher: Le Viet Phu
Mai, Linda, Peter and Tony are planning their picnic to Ha Long Bay next week.
A: What will we do in the morning?
B: We’ll run on the beach.
A: What will we do in the afternoon?
B: We’ll visit an aquarium.
A: What will we do in the morning?
B: We’ll sunbathe.
A: What will we do in the afternoon?
B: We’ll cook the picnic food.
A: What will we do in the evening?
B: We’ll set up a campfire.

You are going to hear some children discussing their foods and activities for their picnic.
1. Boy : Where will we have our lunch?
Girl : We’ll go to a restaurant.
Boy : What will we have for lunch?
Girl : I’ll have some sugar buns and bananas. What about you?
Boy : I’ll have some bread and bananas, too.
2.Girl : What will we do in the afternoon?
Boy : We’ll have a boat cruise and explore some caves.
Girl : It sounds nice!
3.Girl : There’s a sandcastle building contest this morning.
Will you join that?
Boy : Yes, I will. What about you?
Girl : I won’t. I’ll be busy then.
 Listen and tick.
Mai: What will we do in the morning?
Quan: We`ll build some sandcastles.
Mai: What will we do in the afternoon?
Quan: We`ll visit a small windmill.
Mai: Will we cruise around the islands? Quan: Yes, we will.
 Listen, complete and say aloud.
1. A father and his son are discussing the location for their weekend picnic.
Son: Dad, will we go for a picnic this weekend?
Dad: Yes, son.
Son: Where will we go?
Dad: We’ll go to Bai Chay, Ha Long Bay.
Son: Great! I like Ha Long Bay.
2. A girl and her friend are discussing their lunch at the seaside.
Girl: What will we eat there?
Boy: We’ll have seafood and noodles in a restaurant
Girl: Great! I love seafood.
 Listen and number.
3. A girl and her father are at the seaside.
Girl: Will we explore some caves, Dad?
Dad: No, not now. We’ll all do it tomorrow. And we’ll build sandcastles with your friends.
4. Two friends are at the seaside. They are talking about their activities after breakfast.
Girl: What will you do after breakfast? Will you go sunbathing?
Boy: No, I won’t. I’ll go swimming.
 Listen and number.
5. A man and his daughter are at Ha Long Bay. They are talking about cruising the bay.
Girl: Will we cruise around the bay, Dad?
Dad: Yes, we will.
Girl: When will we do it?
Dad: When we arrive at Ha Long Bay.
 Listen and number.
What will you do…?
What will you do…?
We will cruise around the islands
What will you do…?
We will go swimming
What will you do…?
We will sunbathe.
What will you do…?
We will walk (run) on the beach.
What will you do…?
We will build sandcastles.
What will you do…?
We will play volleyball.
After the picnic lunch on the beach, Linda and Tony are talking about their future jobs.
A: What will you be in the future?
B: I’ll be an astronaut.
 Point, ask and answer.
A: What will you be in the future?
B: I’ll be a dancer.
 Point, ask and answer.
A: What will you be in the future?
B: I’ll be a dentist.
 Point, ask and answer.
A: What will you be in the future?
B: I’ll be a nurse.
 Point, ask and answer.
A: What will you be in the future?
B: I’ll be an architect.
 Point, ask and answer.
A: What will you be in the future?
B: I’ll be a business person.
 Point, ask and answer.
My name is Mai. I dream of being an astronaut some day. Maybe I will fly in space. I will work with other people in the spaceship. There will be engineers, technicians, scientists, and doctors. We will all do special work. We will travel through space. Sometimes I will go out and walk in space. Maybe I will visit other planets. It will be very exciting. Now I am studying hard at school and I hope my dream will be real one day.
 Read and do the task.
 Read and do the task.
Tick T (True) or F (False).

1. Mai dreams of being an astronaut.
2. She`ll be a dentist in a spaceship.
3. She`ll travel around the world.
4. She`ll visit other planets.
2. Interview two of your classmates what their dream jobs are. Then make an oral report to the class.
 Read and do the task.
 Write about your dream job.
Guiding questions
1. What will you be in the future?
2. Where will you work?
3. How many hours do you want to work?
4. How much money do you want to earn?
My name is___________. I am a pupil at _______________ Primary School.
My dream job is ______________. I want to work _______ hours a day and ___________ days a week. I want to earn ____________ of money.
 Fun time
Bye bye!
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