Unit 5. Higher education
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Ngày 19/03/2024 |
Chia sẻ tài liệu: Unit 5. Higher education thuộc Tiếng anh 12
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Welcome to our lesson
Tran van toan
Phuc hoa high school
Unit 5
Matching these Vietnamese names of some universities with their English name:
Work in pairs
Answer the following questions
1. What are you going to do after you finish high school?
2. Which university would you like to attend?
3. Where will you live if you choose a university far from your home-town?
* How do you feel when you first start a new university?
new/ dangerous/ happy / funny/ sad / challenging / disappointed / poor / heavy / lonely / lucky / proud / small ....
New words:
II. While you read
Read the passage in the text book
Find new words and phrases
campus (n) the buildings of a university or college and the land around them:
(khuôn viên trường ĐH)
mate (s ) = friend (s )
challenge [`t∫ælindʒ] (v) : test somebody’s ability and
skills, especially in an interesting way .
( thách thức )
blame ( v ) / bleim/ : to think or to say that
someone is responsible for something bad.
( khiển trách )
daunting [`dɔ:ntiη] (a) : something that is daunting
makes you feel slightly afraid or worried
about dealing with it.
( làm nản lòng, làm lo lắng, khó khăn )
Find the words in the passage that mean:
1- the buildings of a university or college and the land around them.
2- say that sb/ sth is responsible for sth bad
3- frightening
4- test sb’s ability and skill especially in an interesting way
5- connected with education
6- making sb feel nervous and less confident about doing sth
1- campus 2- blame (v) 3- scary (adj) 4- challenge (v) 5- academically 6- daunting
* Task 1 : Complete the following sentences, using the right forms of the words on the left
campus (n )
mate (n)
scary (a)
challenge (v)
blame (v)
daunting (a)
1.That’s the _______ story I’ve ever heard
2. The new library was built in the centre of
the _________.
3.Intelligent boys do something if it really
__________ them.
4. A ______ of mine used to play soccer for
5. She has a ________ task of cooking for 20
people every day.
6. She doesn’t _______ anymore for her
father’s death.
Work in pairs
These are the feelings that Sarah, Ellen and Branda have in their first year at university?
Guess what kind of feelings each has by putting the adjectives under each column.
amazing/ daunting /exciting /challenging / lonely /scary / free
Work in pairs
These are the feelings that Sarah, Ellen and Branda have in their first year at university?
Guess what kind of feelings each has by putting the adjectives under each column.
amazing/ daunting /exciting /challenging / lonely /scary / free
Information from Sarah, Ellen and Brenden
a. attended the party on the first weekend at college.
b. didn’t get on very well with the roommate.
c. was not used to meeting different people every day at college.
d. liked having a chance to be creative.
e. was very excited about going to college
f. enjoyed the first year at college.
Sarah :
Ellen :
a - e
b - c
d - f
Task 2: Find out who:
Task 3
1- She went out with her new friends.
2- Because no one seemed to notice her existence.
3- She didn’t get on very well with her roommate.
4- It was probably the best and most challenging year of his life.
5- It provides him with plenty of opportunities to meet non- engineering students as well as other engineers
III. After you read
Read the text again and find out what each person likes or doesn’t like about their first year at college?
Thank you very much !
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