Unit 3: A birthday party

Chia sẻ bởi Lê Viết Phú | Ngày 12/10/2018 | 43

Chia sẻ tài liệu: Unit 3: A birthday party thuộc Tiếng Anh 5 (Thí điểm)

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Teacher: Le Viet Phu
Peter is asking Nam about Mai`s birthday party.
A: What present did you give Tony?
B: A birthday card.
A: What present did you give Linda?
B: A comic book.
A: What present did you give Phong?
B: A dictionary.
A: What present did you give Jim?
B: A Jigsaw puzzle.
A: What present did you give Lucy?
B: Some paints and paint brushes.
A: What present did you give Hoa?
B: Two coloured balloons.
Mai’s birthday party is coming soon. Tony and Sam are talking about this.

Tony: Will you go to Mai’s birthday party?
Sam: Yes, I will. What about you?
Tony: I will, too. What are we going to give her?
Sam: A box of Jigsaw puzzle.
 Listen and tick.
2. It was Linda’s birthday party yesterday. Nha and Minh are talking about this.
Nha: I went to Linda’s birthday yesterday. I didn’t see you.
Minh: Well, I didn’t go to her party.
Nha: Why not?
Minh: I visited my grandfather in hospital.
3. Phi and his friend are talking.
A: Where did you go yesterday, Phi?
Phi: I went to Tony’s birthday party.
A: Oh, really? What did you give him?
Phi: I gave him a blue clock.

 Group and say aloud.
It was Tony’s birthday yesterday. Many of his friends came and gave him presents. Now Linda and Nam are talking about the party.
1. Nam: What present did you give Tony, Linda?
Linda: Well, I gave him a box of coloured pencils.
2. Linda: What about you? What did you give him?
Nam: Uh, I gave him a big ball.
Linda: Really? Was it the big one?
Nam: Yes, it was.
3. Linda: I did not see Phong.
Nam: He didn’t come but he sent his present.
Linda: What was it?
Nam: A big robot.
Linda: Oh, I saw it.

4. Linda: I saw Mai’s present, too.
Nam: What was it?
Linda: A dictionary.
Nam: That was a nice present.
 Listen and number.
Nam`s Surprise Present

It was Nam`s birthday party yesterday. Many friends came and chatted with him. Linda came late. "Happy birthday to you,` she said. Then she gave him a box. "Thank you, Linda. What is it?" said Nam. "Turn off the lights before you open it," said Linda. Someone turned off the lights. Nam opened the box in the dark. "Oh! There`s something soft and silky. Oh, it’s warm and it is touching me. Ugh,” said Nam. Someone turned on the lights. There was a cute kitten in the box. Everyone cheered and the party went on.
Read and role play the story, using the underlined sentences.
 Fun time
A: What did you do at the party?
B: We danced.
A: What did you do at the party?
B: We had nice food and drinks.
A: What did you do at the party?
B: We chatted with his friends.
A: What did you do at the party?
B: We watched some cartoons.
1. When is Lan Huong`s birthday party?
2. Where is her party?
3. What time is her party?
4. When is Peter Brown`s birthday?
5. Where is the party?
6. What time does his party begin?
 Read and answer.
It’s on December 24th, 2012.
It’s at 72 Chua Boc Street.
It’s at 7:00 p.m.
It’s on Saturday, january 12th.
It’s at 212 Green Street.
It begins at 7:00 p.m.
Sing the song. Say the names of the children in the picture.
 Fun time
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