Unit 20: Finding the way

Chia sẻ bởi Lê Viết Phú | Ngày 12/10/2018 | 120

Chia sẻ tài liệu: Unit 20: Finding the way thuộc Tiếng Anh 5 (Thí điểm)

Nội dung tài liệu:

UNIT 20:
Finding the Way
Akio is visiting Hanoi. She wants to go to many places in the city.
Where’s ___________?
It’s_________ .
 Listen and circle.
1. ___________the street. The bookshop is next to the cinema.
2. ___________at the next corner. It`s between the opera house and the public library.
3. ___________at the traffic lights. The history museum is opposite the park.
4. _______________. The hospital is next to the stadium.
Go along
Turn right
Turn left
Go straight ahead
 Listen and tick. Akira is visiting Hanoi for the first time. He’s asking for the direction to get to many places in the city.
1. A: Where can I buy a street map of Hanoi, please?
P: Well, there’s a bookshop near here.
A: How can I get there?
P: Go along the street. It’s next to the cinema at the end of the street.
A: Along the street, next to the cinema. Thank you very much.
2. A: Excuse me! Where’s the cinema, please?
P: To the right, at the next corner. It’s between the opera house and the public library.
A: Thank you very much.
P: You’re welcome.
 Listen and tick.
3. A: Excuse me! Where’s the history museum?
P1: Oh, sorry. I don’t know.
P2: History museum? Well, turn left at the traffic lights. The history museum is opposite the park.
A: Thank you very much.
P2: You’re welcome.
4. A: Excuse me! Where’s the hospital, please?
P: Well, go straight ahead. The hospital is next to the stadium.
A: Thank you very much.
P: No problem.
Guiding questions
 Listen and read together.
 Group and say aloud.

 Listen and circle.
1. Where is the history museum?
a. Opposite the post office.
b. Opposite the opera house.
c. Opposite the park.
2. Where is the bookshop?
a. Between the school and the stadium.
b. Between the museum and the stadium.
c. Between the hospital and the stadium.
3. Where is the public library?
a. Turn right. It`s on the next corner.
b. Turn left. Ifs on the next corner.
c. Go ahead. It`s on the next corner.
4. Where is the park?
a. Go along the street. It`s next to the post office.
b. Go straight ahead. It`s next to the post office.
c. Go ahead for two blocks. It`s next to the post office.
 Listen and circle the answers: Jane is an Australian student. She’s visiting Hanoi for the first time. Now she’s asking for the direction to get to some places
1. J: Excuse me! Where’s the history museum, please?
P: Well, you go along the street. It’s opposite the post office.
J: Thank you very much.
N: You’re welcome.
2. J: Excuse me! Where’s the bookshop, please?
N: Go straight ahead. It’s between the hospital and the stadium.
J: Thank you very much.
N: You’re welcome.
 Listen and circle the answers:
3. J: Where’s the public library, please?
P: Well, it’s near here. Turn left. It’s on the next corner on your right.
J: Turn left on the next corner. Thank you very much.
P: No problem.
4. J: Excuse me!
P: Yes?
J: Where’s the park, please?
P: Well, go ahead for two blocks. It’s next to the post office.
J: Thank you very much.
P: You’re welcome.
Giving Directions
(Information Gap)
Tony is asking for the way to the zoo.
A: How can I get to the post office?
B: You can walk for 5 minutes.
 Point, ask and answer.
 Point, ask and answer.
A: How can I get to West Lake?
B: You can take a taxi.
 Point, ask and answer.
A: How can I get to Hue?
B: You can go by train.
 Point, ask and answer.
A: How can I get to Phu Quoc Island?
B: You can travel by ship.
 Point, ask and answer.
A: How can I get to Can Tho?
B: You can take a coach.
 Read the passage and do the task. (Vocabulary)
get off:
gas station:
xuống xe
nhỡ, bỏ lỡ
= filling station (trạm xăng)
left-hand side:
phía tay trái
cột mốc
hàng rào
cell phone:
= mobile phone (ĐT di động)
How to Get to My House
My name is Alex. I can tell you how to get to my house. First, take the 25 bus at West Street and get off at Orange Road. Then walk along the road for five minutes. Go through Apple Street. Turn right at the corner of Orange Road and Oak Street. Go straight ahead for fifty metres. There will be a road sign named Pine Street on your left. It is hard to see the sign because it is small. However, there is a huge rock before the turn onto Pine Street. It is a kind of landmark that will be hard to miss. Walk until you see a small gas station on the left-hand side. My house has got a high green fence, opposite the gas station. Call me on your cell phone. I will come out to see you.
a. Give a street name to each number on the map provided.
1. West Street
2. ____________
3. ____________
4. ____________
Apple street
Oak street
Pine street
b. Match the words that go together.
c. Answer the questions.
What bus stops at the corner of West Street and Orange Road?

What is Alex`s house like?

Is it next to the gas station?

4. In what street is Alex`s house?
It is 25 bus.
It has got a high green fence.
No, it’s opposite the gas station.
It’s in pine street.
 Write: Akio is at the corner of Tran Hung Dao Street and Phan Chu Trinh Street. Look at the map and write to show her how to get to Hoan Kiem Lake.
You are here. Go straight ahead until you see the first crossroad. Turn right into Hang Bai street. Then go straight ahead through Trang Tien street. Hoan Kiem Lake is on your left.
 Fun time
The Wheels on the Bus
The wheels on the bus go round and round,
Round and round, round and round.
The wheels on the bus go round and round
All through the town.

The doors on the bus open and shut,
Open and shut, open and shut.
The doors on the bus open and shut
All through the town.
Bye bye!
* Một số tài liệu cũ có thể bị lỗi font khi hiển thị do dùng bộ mã không phải Unikey ...

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