Unit 2: My friend's house

Chia sẻ bởi Đỗ Mạnh Hùng | Ngày 12/10/2018 | 48

Chia sẻ tài liệu: Unit 2: My friend's house thuộc Tiếng Anh 5 (Thí điểm)

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THCS Duc Hoa - SS
Trang bìa
Trang bìa:
1. Old lesson: Sing a song:
Sing a song 2. Objectives:
Objectives *At the end of the period, Students will be able to: - Ask and answer questions about where one lives - Develop listening and speaking skills. 3. Vocabulary:
- Live: sống - Street: đường phố - Floor: sàn - Road: con đường - Avenue: đại lộ - Lane: đường làng - flat: căn hộ I. WRAM UP 3. Vocabulary * Check vocabulary: matching:
* Check vocabulary: matching
1. Look, listen and repeat :
II. PRESENTATION 1. Look, listen and repeat Look at each picture and get them to identify the familiar characters and the new ones Look, listen, repeat then take note:
Look, listen, repeat then take note Work in pairs: Listen and repeat each line in the pictures:
Work in pairs: Listen and repeat each line in the pictures 2. Point, ask and answer :
II. PRESENTATION 2. Point, ask and answer Point to the picture a, b, c, d and say: We’re going to practise asking and answering about addresses Where do you live ? I live at………………………. I live on…………………………. Model sentence :
Model sentence A: Where do you live ? B: I live at 52 Ba Trieu Street A: Where do you live ? B: I live on 52 the second floor of Ha Noi Tower. Work in pairs: Ask and answer questions about where one lives:
Work in pairs: Ask and answer questions about where one lives Picture a:
Work in pairs: Ask and answer questions about where one lives
A: ||Where do you live?|| B: ||I live at 74 South Road|| Picture b:
Work in pairs: Ask and answer questions about where one lives
A: ||Where do you live?|| B: ||I live at 51 Green Avenue|| Picture c:
Work in pairs: Ask and answer questions about where one lives
A: ||Where do you live?|| B: ||I live on the four floor of Hoa Binh Lane|| Picture d:
Work in pairs: Ask and answer questions about where one lives
A: ||Where do you live?|| B: ||I live on the third floor of Thanh Cong block of flats || 3. Listen and match :
II. PRESENTATION 3. Listen and match Look at the pictures on page 14. You are going to listen and match the boy/girl to his/her address. Look at the pictures and repeat the name a few times:
Look at the pictures and repeat the name a few times Listen and match the boy/girl to his/her address.:
Listen and match the boy/girl to his/her address. Talk about the content of the listening:
Kate live in a small town. She has got some classmate: Alex, Paul, Jim and Jenny. Now, she is talking about the address. 1. Hi, my name is Kate. I live in small town. Alex, Jim, Paul and Jenny are my classmate. Alex live in my area. He live at 52 south Street. 2. Jenny also live in my area. She live at 26 high street. We go to school together every morning. 3. Jim did not live in my area. He live at 73 Green Road 4. And Paul did not live in the city. He live at 38 Parl Village Talk about the content of the listening 4. Talk :
II. PRESENTATION 4. Talk Look at the pictures on page 14. Each St chooses a boy/ a girl from the pictures and introduces him/her to his/ her addresses. His/ Her partner will make questions. (using guiding questions) Do the first example: point to Tony:
Do the first example: point to Tony A: What’s his name? B: His name`s Tony A: Where does he live? B: He live at 74 Spring Lane Work in pairs to ask and answer questions about the characters. :
Work in pairs to ask and answer questions about the characters. A: Where does Nam live? B: He live in the block of flat at Tran Phu street A: Where does Linda live? B: She live at 73 Rose Avenue A: Where does Mary live? B: She live at 98 Hill Road A: Where does Nam live? B: He live at 82 Hong Ha street III. THE END
1. Homelink:
- Learn vocabulary, model sentence - Do exercise A, B in the workbook. - Sing a song Jenny and Harry - Prepare next period. 2. The end:
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