Unit 17: My home town

Chia sẻ bởi Trẩn Thị Ngọc Hân | Ngày 12/10/2018 | 64

Chia sẻ tài liệu: Unit 17: My home town thuộc Tiếng Anh 5 (Thí điểm)

Nội dung tài liệu:

Binh Bat Primary School
Teacher:TranThi Thuy Hang
Class: 5/1
Welcome to our class!
Hỏi và trả lời về thời tiết mùa hè ở nước của bạn ?
What’s summer like in your country ?
It’s often hot. There is much rain.
summer / hot, rain
* Check the old lesson :
I. Vocabulary:
Thursday , March 10th, 2016
Unit 17 : My Hometown (Lesson 1)
-bus :
-taxi :
-train :
motorbike :
-plane :
-boat :
-coach :
xe buýt
xe tắc xi
tàu hoả /xe lửa
máy bay
xe máy
xe khách
II. Presentation:
Thursday, March 10th , 2016
Unit 17 : My Hometown (Lesson 1)
II. Presentation:
Hỏi và trả lời bạn đã về quê bằng phương tiện gì:
A: How did you get to your hometown?
B: By + phương tiện
How did you get to your hometown?
By coach.
Unit 17 : My Hometown (Lesson 1)
I got to my hometown by + phương tiện
Thursday , March 10th , 2016
III.Practice :
Unit 17 : My Hometown (Lesson 1)
A: How did you get to your hometown?
B: By + phuong ti?n
I got to my hometown by + phương tiện
Thursday , March 10th, 2016
1. Nga went to see her parents by ___________ .
3. Listen and circle :
a. bus b. motorbike c. coach
a. train b. coach c. plane
2. Linda went to her hometown by ____________ .
3. Linh went to her hometown by ___________ .
4. Mai went to her hometown by __________ .
a. motorbike b. train c. ship
a. boat b. taxi c. plane
Thursday , March 10th, 2016
Unit 17 : My Hometown (Lesson 1)
Consolidation :
How did you get to your hometown?
By motorbike.
Look at the pictures, ask and answer :
By coach.
How did you get to your hometown?
- Reread the dialogue (Page 54).
-Learn by heart the structure.
- Prepare Unit 17 : My hometown- Lesson 2.
The bye bye song

Bye, bye.
See you tomorrow.
Bye, bye.
See you tomorrow.
Bye, bye.
See you tomorrow.
Bye, bye. Bye, bye.
The bye bye song
Good bye! See you again!
Thank you very much
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