Unit 16. The Association of Southeast Asian Nations

Chia sẻ bởi Nguyễn Ngọc Anh Thư | Ngày 19/03/2024 | 15

Chia sẻ tài liệu: Unit 16. The Association of Southeast Asian Nations thuộc Tiếng anh 12

Nội dung tài liệu:

The Association of
Southeast Asian Nations
A. Reading
Before you read:
* Warm- up
II. While you read:
1. Learn new words:
2. Do the tasks that follow
After you read
Home work:
Warm-up: Guess the name of Organization through 3 clues:
Clue 1: It is founded in Bangkok, Thailand
I. Before you read
Clue 2: It includes 10 member countries
Clue 3: this is organization’s logo
II. While you read
1. Learn new words:
- Justice (n) /’dsts/: fairness
sự công bằng
- Diverse (adj) /da’v:s/ of various kinds
thuộc nhiều loại khác nhau
- Forge (v) /f:d/: create
tạo dựng, tạo ra
- Integration (n) /,inti`greiʃn/: the process of combining 2 or more things so that they work together
hội nhập, hòa nhập
- Socio- economic (adj) /’səsə ,i:kə`nɔmik/
Socio: connected with society
thuộc kinh tế - xã hội
II. While you read
1. Learn new words:
2. Task 1: Fill in each blank with a suitable word in the box
II. While you read
They are demanding equal rights and
is the total value of goods and services produced by a country in one year.
Her interests are very
He talked about the of black children into the school system in the southern states of America.
At present, Vietnam is trying its best to the rate of economic growth.
The road is bordered by shopping centres, restaurants and other commercial
II. While you read
Read the passage
ASEAN was founded in 1967, Bangkok, Thailand by five original member countries, namely, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore and Thailand.
Brunei joined ASEAN in 1984, Vietnam in 1995, Laos and Myanmar in 1997, and Cambodia in 1999.
-ASEAN has a population of 575.5 million. Its total area is 4,464,322 sq. kilometres.
ASEAN had a combined Gross domestic product (GDP) of about US$ 1282 billion in 2007
In 2006, the ASEAN region had a total trade of US$ 1405 billion.
The ASEAN leaders have adopted the ASEAN Vision 2020, which is aimed at forging closer economic integration within the region.
ASEAN economic cooperation covers many areas: trade, investment, industry, services, finance, agriculture, rural development, forestry, energy, transportation and communication, science and technology, small and medium enterprises, and tourism. AESAN has worked to improve the socio-economic situation and solve problems among its member countries.
Task 2: decide whether the following statement are true (T) or false (F)
ASEAN was founded in 1967 in Bangkok, Thailand
The ASEAN region has a population of 575.5 billion.
It had a combined GDP of US$ 1282 billion, with a growth rate of around 6% per year from 2000 to 2004.
The objective of the ASEAN Vision 2020 is to create economic integration among the member countries.
II. While you read
II. While you read
Task 3: Answer the following questions:
1. Which countries founded ASEAN?
2. What was the total trade value of ASEAN
in 2006?
3. What sector does ASEAN economic cooperation include?
III. After you read
Work in groups: Discuss what you know about ASEAN
How many the ASEAN Summit Plenary session is it held up to now?
Where is it held?

IV. Homework
Learn by heart all new words
Summarize the passage, based on the years: 1967, 1995, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2007, 2020.
Thank for your attention
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