Unit 15: My dream house

Chia sẻ bởi VÕ ĐẠI XÃ | Ngày 12/10/2018 | 49

Chia sẻ tài liệu: Unit 15: My dream house thuộc Tiếng Anh 5 (Thí điểm)

Nội dung tài liệu:

Teacher: Hoang Thi Mai Huong
1. Look, listen and repeat:
2. Point, ask and answer:
3. Read the passage and do the tasks:
a. Draw a line to match the words that make a meaningful phrase:
3. Read and do the tasks:
b. Complete the table:
3. Read and do the tasks:
c. Answer the question:
a. What will Quan’s dream house be like?

b. Where will it be?

c. How many rooms will there be?

It will be a modern and comfortable house.

It will be in the countryside.

There will be twelve rooms.
4. Write:
My dream house will be __________________.
It will be in ____________________________.
There will be (rooms) _____________________
There will be (things in the rooms) __________
a comfortable house
the countryside
a computer,
five rooms in the house
a cable TV, a hi-fi stereo and a fridge
5. Fun time: jigsaw reading
There will be a cable TV in the living room.
There will be a hi-fi stereo in the bedroom.
There will be a computer in the study.
There will be a fridge in the kitchen.
I’ll use it to keep food fresh.
I’ll use it to learn English.
I’ll use it to watch cartoons.
I’ll use it to listen to music.
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