Unit 14: My favourite stories

Chia sẻ bởi Lê Viết Phú | Ngày 12/10/2018 | 47

Chia sẻ tài liệu: Unit 14: My favourite stories thuộc Tiếng Anh 5 (Thí điểm)

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UNIT 14:
My favorite stories
first / Will you give me some meat?
A: What happened first?
B: The fox asked, "Will you give me some meat?"
finally / Yummy, yummy!
A: What happened finally?
B: The fox said, "Yummy, yummy!"
 Listen and tick.
You are going to listen to 4 dialogues in which two people are talking about an animal story.
1. A: Do you like stories?
B: Yes, I do.
A: What kind of story do you like?
B: Animal stories. What about you?
A: Animal stories, too.
2. A: Which animal stories do you like best?
B: The clever fox and the crow.
A: Why do you like it?
B: Because I can learn a lesson from it.
 Listen and tick.
3. A: Do you know the story “The clever fox and the crow”?
B: No. Do you?
A: Yes.
B: Can you tell the story?
A: Sure. It was a windy day. There was a crow on the cowshed with a piece of meat in its beak. A hungry fox standing on the ground asked the crow to give him the meat, but the crow refused.
4. B: What happened finally?
A: The fox was very clever. It asked the crow to sing and the crow dropped the meat on the ground.
B: Ha, ha. The fox was very clever.
A: Yeah. That’s right.
Guiding questions
- What story was it?
- What happened in this picture?
- What happened first / next / finally?
Read the first part of the story. Then look at each picture to continue telling the story.
Little Red Riding Hood
Once upon a time, there was a pretty girl named Little Red Riding Hood. She lived with her mother in a small village in the forest. One day her mother said, "Take this food to your grandmother." Little Red Riding Hood went through the forest with a basket full of food to her grandmother`s cottage...
Read the first part of the story. Then look at each picture to continue telling the story.
 Listen and read together.
Son: It`s snowy today.
Father: Yeah. It`s difficult to drive on a snowy day.
Son: Why?
Father: Because you don`t know what is on the ground.
Son: Daddy!
Father: Yes, dear?
Son: Slow down. I see a crow.
Father: Where?
Son: It`s on the cowshed over there.
 Group and say aloud.

 Listen and number.
 Listen and number.
1. It was a snowy day. There was a mouse cold in the cowshed, out of the hole with a hungry cat.
2. The cat was watching the little mouse in the hole. Suddenly the mouse ran out of the hole.
3. The cat ran very fast after the mouse and caught it.
4. The cat caught the mouse in her mouth. The little mouse begged “Please let me out. I’ll help you some day!”
5. The cat laughed “How can you help me? Ha, ha, ha. It’s very funny”. After the cat laughed, she dropped the mouse on the ground.
6. The clever mouse ran quickly into the hole.
7. And the cat stood in the cowshed sad and hungry.
Line-up Story Game
Nga and Phong are talking about the story The Clever Fox and the Crow.
fox, clever
A: What character do you like?
B: I like the fox. It`s very clever.
A: What character do you like?
B: I like the fox. It’s very clever.
 Point, ask and answer.
 Point, ask and answer.
A: What character do you like?
B: I like the mouse. It’s very intelligent.
 Point, ask and answer.
A: What character do you like?
B: I like Harry Potter. He’s very good-natured
 Point, ask and answer.
A: What character do you like?
B: I like Snow White. She’s very beautiful.
 Point, ask and answer.
A: What character do you like?
B: I like Conan Kudo. He’s very talented.
 Read the passage and do the task. (Vocabulary)
Once upon a time:
Fast – faster - fastest:
Run – ran - run:
thỏ (rừng)  Rabbit
rùa  Turtle
ngày xửa ngày xưa
cuộc đua
chẳng bao lâu
vượt qua
động vật
 Read the passage and do the task. (Vocabulary)
Think - thought:
Have a rest:
Fall – fell - fallen:
Fall asleep:
nghĩ, suy nghĩ
nghỉ ngơi
ngã, té
buồn ngủ, ngủ thiếp đi
vỗ tay
Walk on:
Tiếp tục đi
 Read the passage and do the task.
the Tortoise and the Hare
Once upon a time, there was a hare and a tortoise. "I can run very fast," the hare said. “I`m the fastest animal in the forest." The tortoise said, "Let`s have a race."
All the animals came to watch the race. "Ready, steady, go!" said all the animals. The hare and the tortoise started the race. The hare ran very fast and soon he passed the tortoise. "The tortoise is very slow but I am very fast," the hare thought. "I will win the race but first I will have a rest." Soon he fell asleep under a tree.
The tortoise walked on very slowly. He did not stop to rest. He passed the hare. In the end, the slow tortoise won the race. All the animals clapped.
a. Draw a line to match the words that go together.
once upon a. a rest
2. fell b. the race
3. have c. asleep
4. win d. a time
b. Tick the animal that wins the race.

1. The tortoise asked the hare to race.
2. The tortoise said, "Ready, steady, go!"
3. The tortoise rested under a tree.
4. The hare said, "l will win the race."
5. The animals passed the hare.
6. The hare won the race.
c. Tick T (True) or F (False).

All the animals
The tortoise
The tortoise
 Write.
Write the words in each speed bubble.
Let`s have a race
"Ready, steady, go!"
"I will win the race but first I will have a rest."
 Fun time
Do the crossword puzzle.
Bye bye!
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