Unit 13: Accident prevention

Chia sẻ bởi Lê Viết Phú | Ngày 12/10/2018 | 48

Chia sẻ tài liệu: Unit 13: Accident prevention thuộc Tiếng Anh 5 (Thí điểm)

Nội dung tài liệu:

UNIT 13:
Acident Prevention
Jim is a restless and careless boy. His family and friends are always concerned about him.
 Listen and tick.
1. Linda and her mother are in the kitchen
M: What are you doing, Linda?
L: I am cutting potatoes.
M: Don’t use that knife. It’s very sharp. You might get a cut.
L: OK, thanks, Mom. I’ll change the knife.
2. Peter and Tom are swinging in the yard.
P: Tom, can you swing like me?
T: OK. Let’s swing.
M: Peter, Tom! Don’t swing too fast. You may fall off the swing.
P: Don’t worry, Mom. We’re OK.
 Listen and tick.
3. Mary is playing with the dog of her neighbor in the front yard.
M: Lucky! Lucky! Keep stop! Thank you, please. Lucky!
W: Mary.
M: Yes, Mom
W: Don’t play with the neighbor’s dog. It might bite you.
M: Don’t worry, Mom. It’s friendly.
4. Jenny is helping her mother in the kitchen
J: What can I do for you, Mom?
M: Well, I’m busy cleaning the floor. Can you wash the plates near the kettle?
J: OK, Mom.
M: Don’t touch the kettle. You may get a burn.
J: OK. Thanks, Mom
Guiding questions
- What is he / she doing? / What are they doing?
- What may happen to him / her / them?
- What advice can you give him / her / them?
 Listen and read together.
 Group and say aloud.

 Listen and number.
1. A: Look at this picture. What’s the girl doing?
B: She’s cutting a potato with a sharp knife.
A: What may happen to her?
B: She may get a bad cut.
2. A: What are the boys in this picture doing?
B: They’re climbing up a tree in the garden.
A: What may happen to them?
B: They may fall down to the ground.
 Listen and number.
3. A: look at this picture. What is the boy doing?
B: He’s playing with a cat.
A: What may happen to him?
B: The cat may scratch his face.
4. A: What are the girls in this picture doing?
B: They’re playing with a lighter and candles.
A: What may happen to them?
B: They may get a burn or start a big fire.
 Listen and number.
The pupils in Mr. Loc`s class are having a lesson on Accident Prevention for Children.
A: Why shouldn’t he go barefoot?
B: Because he may get a bad cut.
 Point, ask and answer.
A: Why shouldn’t he play with a lighter?
B: Because he may start a room fire.
 Point, ask and answer.
A: Why shouldn’t he play with the cat?
B: Because it may scratch his face.
 Point, ask and answer.
A: Why shouldn’t he play with the knife?
B: Because he may get a cut.
 Point, ask and answer.
 Read the passage and do the task. (Vocabulary)
tai nạn
ngã, té
phổ biến
loại, hạng
cạnh, mép
mối nguy hiểm
gợi ý
an toàn
Nghiêm trọng
Roll off:
lăn khỏi
 Read the passage and do the task. (Vocabulary)
Car seat carrier:
Crawl up/down:
Clean up:
Spilled water:
cái nôi
xe nôi em bé
bò lên/bò xuống
một mình
gây ra
lau sạch
nước tràn, nước đổ
ngay lập tức
Clear up:
dọn dẹp
 Read the passage and do the task.
 Read the passage and do the task.
Accidents to young children can happen anywhere in the home. Fall is the most common type of accident. It is very easy for your baby brother or sister to roll off the edge of a table, bed or sofa. The biggest danger is falling down the balcony, the stairs or out of a window. The following tips help to keep your baby brother or sister safe from serious accidents.
• Make sure he or she cannot roll off a cradle or a car seat carrier.
• Make sure he or she cannot open any upstairs window.
• Make sure he or she cannot crawl up or down the stairs.
• Do not let him or her out in the balcony alone.
• Clear up anything that may cause an accident.
• Clean up spilled water immediately.
a. Tick the best title for the passage.
A. Accident Prevention for Babies
B. Fall Prevention for Babies
C. How to Keep Babies Safe
b. Find the words in the passage which mean:
1. move slowly on hands and knees
2. very bad, dangerous
3. widely found
4. ensure
make sure
1. Where in the home can accidents happen to babies?
Accidents can happen to babies anywhere in the home.
2. What is the most common type of accident to babies?
Fall is the most common type of accident.
3. What is the biggest danger for babies?
The biggest danger is falling down the balcony, the stairs or out of a window.
c. Answer the questions
 Write.
Dear Jim
You always ride your bike too fast. You should ……………………………………………..
because .…………………………………………..
You also like to climb up trees. You …………..
because ...…………………………………………..
You are my best friend and I want you to avoid serious accidents.
Complete Linda’s message to Jim
 Fun time
Do the crossword puzzle.
Bye bye!
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