Unit 11: What is the matter with you?

Chia sẻ bởi Lê Viết Phú | Ngày 12/10/2018 | 52

Chia sẻ tài liệu: Unit 11: What is the matter with you? thuộc Tiếng Anh 5 (Thí điểm)

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UNIT 11:
What’s the matter with you
Tom is late for breakfast. Mrs Green is cominq to his bedroom.
 Listen and tick.
1. M: Fried chicken, dear?
D: No. Thanks, Mom. I can’t eat chicken today.
M: Why not? What’s the matter with you?
D: I’ve got a toothache.
M: Oh, I see. How about some soup, dear?
D: Yes. Thanks, Mom.
2. ML: Hello boys and girls. Today we’ll have a PE lesson outdoors. Let’s go to the school gym.
Girl: Excuse me, Mr.Loc. May I stay in the classroom?
ML: What’s the matter with you, Linda?
Girl: I’ve got a backache.
ML: All right. You can stay here.
 Listen and tick.
3. W: Lunch’s ready. Oh, where is Peter?
Girl: He’s in his bedroom.
W: What’s the matter with him?
Girl: He’s got a stomachache.
W: All right. I’ll go and see him now.
4. MG: Hello, Gray Green speaking.
Girl: Hello Mr. Green. Can I speak to Mary, please?
MG: I’m afraid she can’t talk to you right now. She’s got a sore throat and she now goes to the doctor with her mother.
Guiding questions
- What’s the matter with….?
 Listen and read together.
We have
Two eyes to see The sun appear
Above the sea.

We have
Two ears to hear
Music and sounds
Loud and clear.

We have
Two strong arms
To plant trees
On our farms.
 Group and say aloud.

 Listen and number.
1. P: Good morning, doctor.
D: Hello, Peter. Sit down, please. What’s the matter with you?
P: I’ve got a stomachache.
D: What did you eat this afternoon?
P: I had some fish for lunch.
D: All right. Let me have a look.

2. MS: Oh… Ah…
J: Good morning Mrs. Smith. What’s the matter with you?
MS: I’ve got a terrible backache
J: Oh, I see. May I help you with your bags?
MS: Ah. You’re so kind. Thank you, John.
 Listen and number.
3. T: Hi, Jim
J: Hi, Tom.
T: Oh. What’s the matter with your voice?
J: I’ve got a sore throat.
4. M: Good morning. Can I talk to Doctor Black, please.
D: Speaking. What can I do for you?
M: My son’s got a toothache. Can I make an appointment this afternoon?
D: Well, yes. Tell him to see me at 2 o’clock?
M: Ok. We will come.
5. G: Linda is ill. Let’s go and see her.
B: Poor to hear that. What’s the matter with her?
G: She’s got a temperature. She’ll stay at home for a few days
 Listen and number.
 Listen and number.
Simon says…
Nam has got a sore throat. He is talking to Mai.
A: I’ve got a headache.
B: You should take a rest.
 Point, ask and answer.
 Point, ask and answer.
A: I’ve got a stomachache.
B: You shouldn’t drink cold water.
 Point, ask and answer.
A: I’ve got a cold.
B: You should drink hot milk.
 Point, ask and answer.
A: I’ve got a toothache.
B: You shouldn’t eat sweets.
 Point, ask and answer.
A: I’ve got a sore eye.
B: You should use some eye drops.
 Point, ask and answer.
A: I’ve got a backache.
B: You shouldn’t carry heavy things.
 Read the passage and do the task. (Vocabulary)
forget  forgot:
stay healthy:
take a shower:
gợi ý, mách nước
khỏe mạnh, tốt cho sức khỏe
sống khỏe mạnh
con vật cưng, vật nuôi
hai lần
(một cách) thường xuyên
thức ăn
móng tay, chân
 Read the passage and do the task.
 Read the passage and do the task.
 Read and do the task.
1. Tick Yes or No.
1. You should wash your hands before breakfast, lunch and dinner
2. You should brush your teeth only once a day.
3. You should take a shower twice a week.
4. You should do morning exercise regularly.
5. You should eat healthy food.

 Write.
 Fun time
Make a class survey. Then report orally.
Who Is the Healthiest in Our Class?
How to score:
• Questions 1 - 5: Yes = 1 point,
No = 0 points
• Questions 6-10: Yes = 0 points,
No = 1 point
8-10 points: Congratulations! You are healthy.
5-7 points: Not bad, but you should try to be healthier.
Less than 5 points: Oh dear! You are not very healthy. You should take care of your health.
Bye bye!
intelligent gentle beautiful brave miserable patriotic brilliant
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