Unit 11. National parks

Chia sẻ bởi Lê Phượng My | Ngày 08/05/2019 | 60

Chia sẻ tài liệu: Unit 11. National parks thuộc Tiếng Anh 10

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Serengeti National Park

The English discourse of group 2
Basic information about this park:
Based in Tanzania Republic, Africa
Total area: 14,750 km2
Established: 1951
Visitors: 350,000 per year
Vegetation: Savanna
Serengeti National Park has been regconized by UNESCO as World Natural Heritage in 1981

Serengeti National Park located near the famous Lake Victoria.
Landscape in Serengeti National Park
Serengeti National Park is a place for African mammals to reside in, such as:




In February every year, over 1.5 milion brindled wildebreest and 250,000 zebras migrate to Serengeti
A flock of wildebeest is struggling to cross the river Mara
During the breeding season, about 50,000 antelopes are given birth
Here are some pictures of the rare species are conserved by this park:
A special genus of lizards named Agama
Panthera pardus (fierce animal in leopard genius)
A wild cat genius named Serval
African wild dog – Lycaon pictus
Here are some pictures about the beautiful landscape in Serengeti National Park:
Ngorongoro Crater
Olduvai Gorge
The volcano Ol Doinyo Lengai
The mysterious Lake Natron
Flamingos in Lake Manyara
Twilight in Serengeti National Park
Dawn in Serengeti National Park
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