Unit 1: A summmer camp

Chia sẻ bởi Little Pea | Ngày 12/10/2018 | 46

Chia sẻ tài liệu: Unit 1: A summmer camp thuộc Tiếng Anh 5 (Thí điểm)

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Thi kĩ năng CNTT - Ngày hội CNTT 2014 -2015 - Sở GD&ĐT Hà Nội
Trang bìa
Trang bìa:
1. Objectives:
Objectives *At the end of the period, Students will be able to: - Ask and answer about where someone is from - Develop listening and speaking skills. 2. Vocabulary:
2. Vocabulary I. WRAM UP summer:(n) mùa hè camp:(n) trại over there: ở đó country:(n) đất nước, quốc gia culture:(n) văn hóa cultural (adj) Thuộc văn hoá * Check vocabulary: matching:
* Check vocabulary: matching

Vietnamese Vietnamese 3. Some names of the country and its capital:
Malaysia Kuala Lumpur Some names of the country and its capital Thailand Bangkok Laos Vientiane Cambodia Phnom Penh Australia Canberra England (the United Kingdom) London the USA (The United States of America) Washington, D.C. *Some names of the country and its capital:
Some names of the country and its capital Indonesia Jakarta Jakarta Singapore Singapore Myanmar Naypyitaw Brunei Bandar seri begawan Philippines Manali Viet Nam (the United Kingdom) Ha Noi Japan (The United States of America) Tokyo *Some names of the city and its capital:
Some names of the country and its capital France Paris South Korean Seoul India New delhi Germany Berlin Russia Moscow/ moskva China Beijing Taiwan Taipei (The United States of America) (the United Kingdom) II. PRESENTATION
1. Look, listen and repeat:
II. PRESENTATION 1. Look, listen and repeat Look at each picture and get them to identify the familiar characters and the new ones Listen and answer some questions:
Listen and answer some questions These children are at a summer camp in Vietnam a) Who are they? b) What are they talking about? Picture a:
Listen the recording to read each line Picture b:
Listen the recording to read each line Picture c:
Listen the recording to read each line Picture d:
Listen the recording to read each line 2. Point, ask and answer :
II. PRESENTATION 2. Point, ask and answer Point to the picture a,b,c,d and say: These are the children at the summer camp in Vietnam. They come from many countries. Model sentences:
Model sentences A: Where’s_______? He’s/ She’s _______. A: Where in______? _________________. A: Where’s he from? B: He’s from Malaysia A: Where in Malaysia is he from? B: Kuala Lumpur Ask and answer about where someone is from Work in pairs, ask and answer with each picture about the country & city where each character comes from.:
Work in pairs, ask and answer with each picture about the country & city where each character comes from. A: Where’s she from? B: She’s from Thailand A: Where in Thailand is she from? B: Bangkok A: Where’s he from? B: He’s from the USA A: Where in the USA is he from? B: New York A: Where’s he from? B: He’s from Indonesia A: Where in Indonesia is he from? B: Jakarta 3. Listen and tick :
II. PRESENTATION 3. Listen and tick Look at the pictures on page 7 and identify activities of the people in there Pre-listening: You are going to listen and tick the correct picture in each number.:
Pre-listening: You are going to listen and tick the correct picture in each number. While-listening: Listen the recording to check predictions.:
While-listening: Listen the recording to check predictions. Post-listening: the content of the listening text :
Post-listening: the content of the listening text The children are meeting each other and at summer camp in Vietnam. 1. Azmi: Hi! I`m Azmim Nam: Hi! Azmin. I`m Nam. Where are you from? Azmi: I am Indonesia Nam: Where in Indonesia are you from? Azmi: Jakarta 2. Tony: Hi! I`m tony. I`m from Australia. Lawan: Hello, Tony. I`m Lawan. I`m from Thailand. Tony: Where in Thailand are your from? Lawan: Bangkok Tony: Oh, my family went to Bangkok last summer 3. A: Is Lawan Malaysian? B: No, it`s Thai. How do you know? A: She`s my new friend 4. A: Is Tony from London? B: No, he`s from Sydney C: How do you know? D: He`s my new friend. 4. Talk:
II. PRESENTATION 4. Talk Look at the pictures on page 7, choose a boy or a girl from the pictures and introduces him/her to his/ her partner, using guiding questions Example: point to Lawan:
*Example: point to Lawan S1: Who`s she? S2: She is Lawan S1: Where is she from? S2: She’s from Thailand. S1: Where in Thailand is she from? S2: She’s from Bangkok Work in pairs to ask and answer questions about the characters. :
Work in pairs to ask and answer questions about the characters. Picture b:

Work in pairs to ask and answer questions about the characters. Picture c:

Work in pairs to ask and answer questions about the characters. Picture d:

Work in pairs to ask and answer questions about the characters. Picture e:

Work in pairs to ask and answer questions about the characters. Picture f:

Work in pairs to ask and answer questions about the characters. III. THE END
1. Homelink:
- Learn new words and model sentences - Do exercise - Prepare next lesson 2. The end:
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